Prolouge: "The Story Begins"[pt.2]

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((Asks for Goldie/Evan, Cassidy, Freddy, and Springbonnie are open))

*Goldie teleported through the main gate. Then walked towards the facility and snuck in through the shipping area.*

*his scrap built endoskeleton sparking and zapping as he moved. He sat down in the workshop area of the facility in the normal golden freddy pose.*

*the employees noticed the broken down bear. Goldie decided to leave the broken animatronic and secretly made a copy of the blueprints of a newer freddy model, then modified it to match the fredbear plush he had.*

*he made it smaller, with mostly golden yellow fur. A black bowtie and tophat. Then a black button below the bowtie. Then a slimmer design. Lastly he made sure the bluprints specified blue eyes.*

*next he uploaded the design to the work order of the employees. All he had to do now was wait for his new body to be built.*

Employee 1: "uh.. hey guys, just got a new animatronic design in the work order. You might wanna take a look."

Employee 2: "huh... it looks a bit like freddy."

Employee 3: "it seems to be smaller and slimmer than freddy according to the measurements."

Employee 1: "should we build it? I should have enough materials and spare parts."

Employee 2: "i think we should. It looks kinda cute."

Employee 3: "i'll handle the endo. You two work on the cosutme and support structures."

*Goldie waited for 5 hours, but soon it was finished. Once the employees left, goldie entered his new body. He tested out everything. Stretching out. The only thing that seemed the same was his eyes. Which were still a dark black with a blue dot instead of a normal eye.*

Meanwhile in the management office...

*The employees who built goldie's new body were talking to alexi emily. Son of henry emily and new ceo of fazbear entertainment.*

Employee 1: "Uh... Mr. Emily.. Sir we have a bit of a situation downstairs."

Alexi: "Hold that though for a sec." *puts caller on hold.* "yes? What is it?"

Employee 2: "we came across an unregistered animatronic design. We built it out of curiosity, but we were wondering if you recognize the project it came from."

Alexi: "verywell, what is this unregistered design and what is it's project?"

Employee 3: "the design was named "Golden Freddy, and the project was "EL52" Emily Labs. The design was sent via your dad's old terminal."

Alexi: "That's impossible, no one else knew his password exept me... and his old partner. William."

Employee 1: "we know that sir, but we were wondering if maybe the name is familiar."

Alexi: "hm....Golden freddy.... Dad told me about an animatronic with that name. He said that many supernatural experts told him that they felt a strong energy from the broken bot. As if 2 souls were trapped inside."

Employee 3: "uh huh. Well, then there's one last thing we need to discuss. Golden freddy was a withered old fredbear model, right?"

Alexi: "yes. Why is this important?"

Employee 1: "well, uh... we have it. Well, what's left of it."

Employee 2: "the endo seems to have been hastily repaired with scraps and junk."

Employee 3: "we had an expert come in. No readings besides residual energies from the broken down machine."

Alexi: "Interesting... Hm... send the broken bot to the lab. Let them look it over. As for the newer one... hm... get it ready for shipping."

Employee 2: "were are we gonna send it?"

Alexi: "i'll handle that part. You just handle preparations." *alexi takes the caller off of hold.*

Caller: "finally, as i mentioned earlier. We need a new animatronic. With the new animatronics our freddy has refued to perform after our fredbear was scrapped."

Alexi: "you're in luck. i think i have a animatronic i can send. Just one question: how do you feel about gold?"

Back in the workshop...

Employee 3: "alright. Let's get them ready for shipping."

Employee 1: "oh, hey look. They're active."

*Goldie was still examining his new body. Making sure everything worked. One of the employees lifted him up and put him on a shipping pallet.*

Goldie: "huh? Hey, p-please let go of me."

Employee 2: "I will in just a bit. We just need to get you all set up for shipping."

Goldie: "s-shipping?"

Employee 1: "yep. You're being sent to one of our pizzerias. We don't know which one though."

*Thick metal brackets were bolted around and ontop of goldie's feet. Securing him tightly to the shipping pallet.*

*Next the pallet was lifted into a trailer loaded with other supplies like arcade games, tables, cooking utensils, pots, pans, decorations. The pallet was secured down like everything else.*

Meanwhile at the pizzeria...

Henry jr: "what time should i expect the truck... 12? Sounds good brother."

*A staff meeting was called in the pizzeria. Freddy, springbonnie and the night guard fritz were called to the dining area.*

Henry Jr: "ok. So, good news and bad news. Bad news is the budget is nearly used up and springbonnie is being relocated."

Freddy: "What? Springy too?"

Springbonnie: "it's ok freddy. I agreed to be relocated. There's a location that liked the oldschool look and needs a springbonnie. I agreed to be sent there."

Freddy: "ok... i'll miss you springy."

Springbonnie: "i'll miss you too freddy."

Henry jr: "well, now we move on to good news. I ordered new arcade machines. Had broken ones repaired. Ordered new tables, cooking utensils, decorations, and lastly a new animatronic is on the way."

Freddy: "A new animatronic?"

Henry jr: "yes. I noticed you missed fredbear, so i decided to order a new partner for you. Please be friendly and try to work with them freddy."

Freddy: "Ok. I'll try. Are they a replacement for fredbear?"

Henry jr: "no, they're not here to replace fredbear. They're just someone new i'm introducing."

*After the meeting. Freddy started cleaning up fredbear's old stage and backroom in preparation of the new arrival.*

To be continued in chapter 1...

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