point of rupture

23 0 2

"Just stop it, I'm sick and tired of you, moron!" the boy basically yelled at the grown man, "Come on Misaki, calm down! no need to be this feral" the man responded calmly with his hands put in front of him defensively.

" 'no need' !?" Misaki repeated astonished "Not after what you just did! This is the third time you anger me today: first you come to pick me up out of the university with your expensive ass car and all the student's eyes were on us, then you hold my hand and you almost kiss me in public, and then we accidentally meet Kamijou and tell him that we are together! ...is this not enough of a reason to be angry to you!?"

Slightly taken aback by his behaviour, the man answered with a serious yet calm tone "Misaki, Hiroki and I are childhood friends, it's not like he's going to judge us or anything"

The young man sighed and brought a hand through his hair nervously before speaking again, "yes but he's also my fucking professor" he pointed out with gritted teeth "and everytime he'll look at me he'll think that you and I are together and, more importantly, right now I'm getting better with his literature assignments so what if he thinks I'm your... protégé or something!?"

"Misaki!" Akihiko yelled in order to make him stop screaming at him, the boy let out a couple of heavy pants and indeed stopped talking.

"Calm down a second and let me talk!" luckily there weren't many people on the street but the man still shifted place and leaned his back against a nearby building, to be more secluded.

"Hiroki is not dumb, he would notice if I'm the one making your assignments and besides, what's the problem if I come to pick you up with my car? Do you want me to go buy another one because you don't like it?" he stated slightly annoyed.

"UGH, it's not that I don't like the car!" Misaki admitted, opening his arms in frustration "It's that everyone's eyes are on me when you come pick me up in that and... they think that I'm either rich or that..." he looked away and let out a sigh "...that I have some kind of... s-s...sugar daddy-" he struggled, but before Akihiko could say anything back, he yelled "DON'T YOU DARE TO TRY TO AGREE ON THAT!".

With some of his features still shocked, he closed his eyes and lightly shook his head to the sides, trying not to dwell on what his ears had just heard "O-Ok then, what about holding hands? What's the problem with that?" he asked, changing the subject.

"We can't do that in public, Usagi-san!" Misaki exclaimed despite trying to keep a low voice, "...And why is that?" Usami retorted after a brief pause with his arms folded on his chest, his tone visibly aggrieved.

The boy noticed the change in his voice and posture, however he simply turned his head in order to not look at him in the eyes "B-because... Because, I-I don't want to be judged okay?!"

Akihiko's eyes widened and his mouth hung open astonished "Why do you care so much about other people?! We can't pretend we're not together outside forever: it's not the middle age anymore, people have learnt to mind their own business"

Misaki looked taken aback by that abrupt motion of his as he started to think that maybe he shouldn't have said that after all, although it was the plain and pure truth: he was not ashamed of what they were, he knew their love was real and that was what has always mattered the most, even if they were not a man and a woman... but would the other people think the same as him?

Usami Akihiko was a successful writer, often invited to elite parties and premiers filled with guests that could vary from more to less important than him and if someone were to find out about their relationship, they would not hesitate to make it a public matter because this is how that world revolves: "If someone has more than me I can't just be happy about it, I have to despise, destroy and climb the steps so that I'll have the high ground".

This is what concurrency leads to.

And a scandal would be the perfect excuse that could mean the end of Usami's career: even though he has often shown that he doesn't really care, he still does have a public image to maintain and protect, and if things went south Misaki would not be the one to carry the weight of his downfall, he couldn't do that to someone he loved.

"And w-what if it's people we know?!" Misaki added, his voice slightly wavered, "What's the difference?" Usami answered with a question, "UGH! you just won't understand you moron!" the boy then yelled frustrated and after a short period of silence, the man spoke up "It seems to me that you are the one that doesn't understand, Misaki".

The brunette looked at him with a mix of shock, confusion and anger plastered on his face "HA!? What's that supposed to mean?!", the man leaned on a nearby wall and sighed discouraged before answering "It feels like... you are rejecting me" he finally admitted.

Misaki looked at him with a stunned expression that soon turned into one of anger, he wasn't rejecting him, he was worried about him and about what the consequences of a seemingly innocent action could trigger "...I-it's not about rejecting you... ugh, just forget it" he said still upset while starting to walk away, the young man then crossed the street without looking in both directions first, trying to get away from the man.

It's too late when a car sped through the traffic and rapidly approached, "MISAKI!" The brunette turned his head horrified but couldn't react fast enough, he remained as still as a statue when all of a sudden he felt someone pushing him out of the way from behind.

He landed on the sidewalk still in shock and, after hearing a loud THUMP, he turned his head to look at what had happened: Usagi laid still on the road, blood was gathering under his head and knees... he had been the one that pushed the boy away and took his place, being the one getting hit.


A.N= hello guys, I will continue this story as soon as I graduate, so after the 30th of June, see you then! ❤️

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