City of Jewels

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Ayesha says "Where is everyone?"

"The palace is empty. King Solomon's wives have all run off with his hairdresser." "What about his guards?" "They're all dead." "Are you sure?"

Sonika says "Oh gosh darn"

"What is it?" "I was just thinking about the guards," Sonika says. "What guards?" "The ones we killed!" "Oh. Well, I guess they're still dead."

Ayesha slap King Solomon.

You slap King Solomon, but he doesn't even notice. He just says, "Why would you do this to me?"

Ayesha says "Because you let the other knights die mate"

"I had no choice," he says. "Well, it was a stupid choice." "What can I do to make you stop hitting me?" "Stop hitting you?" you say.

Ayesha says "I hit you once"

"No, you didn't," he says. "Yes, I did. Remember the lion?" "The what?"

Ayesha says "The lion."

"Oh. That lion. I didn't hit you, because it was a magical lion." "Right," Ayesha says. "So can I stop hitting you now?" "I guess so."

Ayesha poke Sonika.

You poke Sonika in the ribs. "Ow," she says. "You poked me," you say. "No, I didn't. You poked me." "No, I didn't."

Ayesha says "What year is it again?"

"Ten..." you say. "No, before that. I forget. What year is it again?" "Twenty-seven hundred." "Twenty-seven hundred years later," Ayesha says.

Ayesha says "Me and Sonika are knights from the future then I guess"

"What?" you say. "Yeah, I guess so. We're from the future then." "Cool," Sonika says. "Let's go." Ayesha and Sonika head to a near by village. The two of you buy some supplies and then set out into the desert on a road in search of the fabled city of jewels.

Ayesha says "You think we're near the city of jewels yet Sonika?"

"I don't know, do you?" Sonika says. "I don't think so," Ayesha says. "I think we're lost." "Oh no," you say.

Ayesha pull out map.

You pull out your map and look at it. "Do we have the directions to the city of jewels or not?" you ask. "I think so," Ayesha says.

Ayesha says "Lets go find the city of jewels and rub it in the kings face!"

"Yeah," Sonika says. "Come on then," you say. "I guess we'll be seeing you two later," the desert city of jewels is a few days away. A few days past and we arrive at the city of jewels. The two of you walk around it examining it carefully, looking for the way into the city. "There it is," Ayesha says. "The what?"

Sonika says "The entrance"

Ayesha says "Really now"

"The entrance, see the blue glow," Ayesha says. "I see it, but how are we going to get inside?" "Look there," Ayesha says. "What?"

Ayesha they all enter.

You look at the city of jewels. Ayesha, Sonika, and you walk inside. The entrance leads into a massive stone tunnel. You walk down the tunnel for what feels like an eternity.

Ayesha says "Gawd damn how long does this go for"

"I don't know, I'm not tall so I can't really imagine how long it is," Ayesha says. "We've walked for ages," you say. "It feels like ages."

Sonika says "Yes"

Ayesha says "Boutta smack the king when we get back"

You smack the King Solomon when you get back. "Ow," he says. "See?" you say. "But I didn't hit you that hard."

Ayesha says "Wait why are you here"

"We have to rub the city of jewels in your face." "Why? I mean, why do we have to rub it in your face?"

Ayesha says "Because the King is a bad person"

"I'm a good person," he says. "Yeah, you're a bad person who is good at the same things," you say. "We'll see about that," he says.

Ayesha punch the King.

You punch the King Solomon in the face. He falls to the ground and doesn't get back up. "See? Now we have to kill him," you say. "Wait a second," he says.

Sonika says "Get him!!!!"

Ayesha pull out mu futuristic sword.

You pull out your sword and point it at the King's head. "No!" he screams. "You can't kill me! I'm a great king! I'm the greatest king who ever lived!"

Ayesha says "I dout it, I've seen better kings"

"Yeah, he's probably just a spoiled brat," you say. "We'll see about that," Ayesha says. The three of you walk back to the entrance to the city of jewels.

Ayesha kill the king.

You swing your sword at the King's head and cut it off. The head rolls to the ground and you kick it at Ayesha and Sonika.

Ayesha says "We are now the rulers Sonika"

"We are now the rulers," Ayesha says. "Let's go meet the people and rub it in their face," Sonika says. "Lead the way," Ayesha says.

Ayesha says "And steal back the kings wives"

"And steal back the kings wives," Ayesha says. You walk into the city of jewels. It is beautiful. Everything is made of precious metals and jewels. "This place is awesome." We run into the hairdresser and the kings ex wife. "Ahem, hello." "Oh, hello," they both say. "Where are the kings wives?" you say. "Over there," the hairdresser points. "Right."

Ayesha says "We've come to woo them"

"I have to warn you, it's a little hard to do this while carrying a sword," you say. "I think I can handle it," Sonika says. Ayesha walks towards the wives.

Ayesha put sword away.

You put your sword away and walk over to the wives. "Hello, my name is Ayesha, I'm here to woo you," you say.

Ayesha says "I killed your husband wanna marry me and Sonika"

"Um...I'm not sure what to say," the wives says. "Say yes," Ayesha says. "Well...okay," one of the wives says.

Ayesha says "Please all of you say yes"

The wives all say "Yes". "I knew you were the right man for me," one of the wives says.

Ayesha says "Half of you are married to Sonika"

"I thought the other half were married to you," one of the wives says. "I'm sorry, but I'm not married to either of you," you say.

Ayesha says "I get half and Sonika gets the other half"

"Oh, no. That's not how it works," one of the wives says. "I'll kill her," Sonika says.

Ayesha says "Sonika please we went on an adventure to the city of jewels and killed the King and wooed the wives"

"I'll kill her," Sonika says. "No, wait," the wives says. "Wait, what?" you say. "Look, okay, you can have us both."

Ayesha says "Yes!! I'M NOT SINGLE ANYMORE"

"I'm not single anymore," you say. "Neither am I," the wives say. "This is a good start," one of the wives says. The new rulers and their wives headed back to the castle to rule over the kingdom after killing the hairdresser and lived happily ever after

. END You got a 100000 gold. "I'm rich." You say as you buy a house and a car. "Yeah, me too."

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