Chapter 2

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Once I rushed out of the dorm and rushing in the hallway I get stopped by the new school 'Organization' "No running in the halls!" Ms. Axel says, firmly. Then she walks away and I still rush to the class, I walk in the classroom with a look of relief. A few steps in the classroom Mason trips me with his foot, then he chuckled I get up and brush myself off and walked to my seat with an annoyed look. The bell rings then the teacher walked in "So class, we need to have a talk." Mr. James says, I Mason looked at me like he was gonna play the blame game. I put head down on my desk "Xander, head up." I looked up at Mason with a pissed face. Mason puts his hand and giggles and Mr. James says, "You know what, Xander, Mason go to the office, now!"  Me and Mason get up out of our seats and walk to the principles office.

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