3. breakeven

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"I've come to the conclusion that he wasn't appreciating his girlfriend and took her for granted. He broke her down during their relaitonship and she had enough. She left, he's crushed, but she left because of his lack of attention for her. She's moved onto someone that's going to look after her properly."

     I hate Saturdays. I hate that there is nothing to focus on. Saturday is my one free day a week. Last year Auggie and I would go out on Saturday but now i'm laying in my bed in tears. Last night Oakley kissed me as Auggie watched and then Oakley just kicked her out like trash. It made me realize that I used to be like Oakley. I never appreciated Auggie as much as she deserved. I wish I could have cherished more moments with her, all the times she would randomly smile at me and I never smiled back, when she would show up at my door with a new vinyls to show me that her uncle had sent her, or when she would bring crafts into my room to do while I was sick and she would always end up catching whatever I had but she never once complained. I want her back. I need her back.

     "Cedric?" Brose walks in without noticed. "Shit."

     "Dude." I flip over on to my side facing the wall.

     "Y'know i'm here if you need to talk. I know i'm Auggies brother but your my best friend." He sits down on my roommates empty bed.

     "I don't know what to do, Ambrose." I roll back over to face him. "She left me because i'm a shitty person and now it's too late to do better."

     "it's never too late for Auggie." He looks at me like i'm stupid. "She is the most understanding and forgiving person on earth." He pauses. "So stop with this self pitying and go out and tell her how you feel."

     "I can't just walk up to her a confess my love." I wipe my face with the back of my arm.

     "Why not?" He questions. "I just seen her in the courtyard looking very lonely."

     "You've got to be kidding me, Cedric. Get down from there!" I yelled at the sight of my boyfriend in my apple tree.

     "No! You come up here!" He shouted back down.

     "I'm going back inside. You can have this picnic by yourself." I put the basket down on the blanket I had put on the ground under the tree.

     "Fine, i'll come down." He started to slowly make his way down from the tree. "Shit." He quickly hissed while landing on the ground. He scraped his hand on the bark of the tree.

     "Why do you do these things." I grabbed his hand to take him inside so I could help him clean it knowing if I didn't he would let it get infected.

     "It's only a scrape." He followed me in without resistance.

     "People die from infections, y'know?" I propped myself up on my counter by the sink. I turned the tap on and then grabbed Cedric's hand, carefully placing it under the water. "Can you pass me the rubbing alcohol? It should be under the sink."

     "Here you go m'lady." He passed me the half empty bottle that had been sitting under my kitchen sink for years.

     "This might burn." I poured a few drops on top of the wound.

     "I'm not a child, I can take care of myself." He winced.

     "Stop lying to yourself, you wouldn't be able to function without someone near by to hold your hand." I bandaged up his hand. He looked so pretty with the sunset light coming through my window.

     "But you love that about me, right?" He gave me one of his huge white teethy smiles.

     "Yeah." I whisper as a pushed myself off my counter. "Now, picnic?"

     "Augustine?" A voice snaps me out of my thoughts.

     "Atlas, hi." I push my hair behind me ears.

     "Why are you out here?." He takes the seat beside me. "It's freezing."

     "I'm just out here to read. It's quiet." I shrug.

     "Well, you weren't reading when I came out here. You were staring at the ground." He smirks.

     "A lot on my mind I guess." I pick my book back up from beside me.

     "There is a halloween party happening in the Slytherin common room next weekend and I was wondering if you would want to go with me." He swings his head towards me.

     "Is this some sort of joke?" I'm suspicious of Atlas' random interest in me. I have known him since first year but he has never noticed me until this weekend.

     "No." He sighs. "If you don't wanna go with me that's fine..."

     "No!" I shout by accident and cover my mouth. "No, I want to go with you." I feel raindrops starting to fall.

     "Alright." He smiles. "Here take this." He takes his jacket off and holds it over my head as the rain starts to pour a little harder. "Let's get inside."


     I go out to the courtyard to find Auggie but she's not alone. She is with Atlas. He is a total player.

     I start to walk over and notice that it's raining and I see Atlas put his jacket over Auggie and they run inside. I feel my heart ache a little more. He's a Slytherin and he's being more kind to her than I have in months.

     "Yo, Cedric." Someone grabs my shoulder. It's Anthony with Hannah standing behind him. "You're soaked, get inside." He drags me inside.

     "Oh." Is all I can say.

     "What are you doing out here?" Hannah looks confused.

     "I was uh... looking for... Auggie." I let out truthfully. I know Anthony won't be too happy finding out i'm still trying to be with her.

     "Ced, we are in 6th year which means we have two years left until we graduate! You can not spend those two years trying to win back someone who wants nothing to do with you!"

     "Just leave the poor girl alone. She doesn't want to see you." Hannah comes to Auggies defence which is... new.

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