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!! second person :)

A loud banging on your door was enough to startle you awake, pushing you out of your bed and over to the door that swung open dramatically. You were met with the face of your closest friend, Yoimiya, who smiled wide. "Y/n! Hey!" You groaned dramatically, the blonde was not who you expected to be at the door.

"Miya, it's like seven am. Why are you in my house?" You rubbed at your eyes, yawning but stopping midway to look back at the bubbly girl. "Actually how are you in my house?"

Yoimiya smiled cheekily and walked past you into your room and over to your bed, where she flopped and crossed her legs. "Your mom let me in! It's also only 7;12, but we need to go to school earlier today."

You snorted. "Right okay, why are you actually here?"

Yoimiya's expression faltered. "Y/n i'm serious, we need to go earlier today!!" You furrowed your brows and leaned against the doorway with a deep seeded frown.

"Why?" This prompted Yoimiya to awkwardly play with her hands and look down at her crossed legs. You raised a brow. "Miya, got anything you want to share with the class?"

Her head shot up and she shook her head, jumping up from the bed and waving frantically. "It doesn't matter! Come on get dressed, your moms cooking breakfast!" Yoimiya was out of the bedroom quicker than a firework, bounding down the stairs and happily greeting your mother.

You groaned inwardly, pushing yourself over to a dresser, deciding to do what Yoimiya wanted despite not knowing why you had to wake up so early. Your outfit was simple; a random shirt with your favorite blue hoodie, a pair of black pants and boots. You styled your hair quickly and grabbed your phone, slipping it into your pocket. "Y/n!! Come on!!"

You sighed. You were used to Yoimiyas upbeat personality by now, but god did you wish she had some patience. In seventh grade you befriended Yoimiya, after a long day that ended with her being put in detention for attempting 'science' and mixing random chemicals together. The result was a gooey pink mixture stuck to the ceiling for two months. You were only in detention because you 'accidentally' spilt coffee onto some girl who had been terrorizing you for weeks.

Yoimiya was bubbly from the beginning. She was sweet and caring, your mom loved her and always invited her over for dinner. She taught you ASL, and you taught her about fireworks. Which quickly became her whole personality trait. Bounding down the stairs you saw your mother standing and chatting with Yoimiya in the middle of your kitchen, a cup of presumably coffee in her right hand.

"Y/n! Hey! Hurry eat breakfast so we can go!" You sighed and walked over to the table, sitting down as a plate of waffles was slid your way.

"Don't rush me Miya. My stomach will hurt," you frowned trying to pull off a small piece of waffle. The blonde infront of you sighed dramatically and flopped down onto a chair. Your mother smiled toward both of you before wandering over to the sink, placing her cup down so she could wash dishes.

"What's so important about getting there early anyway, tryouts for soccer aren't til next week," You mumbled, popping the piece you had ripped off into your mouth. Yoimiya rested her head in her left hand while her right stretched over to your dish and grabbed one of the waffles. You whined with a frown. "Miyaaa!"

Yoimiya simply smiled. "Relax, okay? You'll see when we get there just be patient and eat your waffles." You mentally laughed at Yoimiya tell you to be patient.

"This is ridiculous," You spoke grabbing your waffle and deciding to just take a bite out of it. Yoimiya laughed lightly while messing with her free right hand, her left holding the stolen waffle up close to her mouth so she could bite it at anytime. Half of it was already done.

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