Tokyoami x Akuma [oc]

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This is the story of how Akuma-san and
Tokoyami-kun first met! «
I'm just Lucky Akuma-San has such a good memory🥲 And that Tokoyami could- granted- actually, Dark Shadow can remember Tokoyami's side of the story! 💗•💗•💗
This story is super cute! Hope you enjoy it :)
(; ❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️

It was a peaceful day in the city, years ago, back when Akuma was only 4. She was out running errands with her older brother and sister as they passed a playground.
Akuma took notice of it, "Shisutā?", she asked. "What do you need Akuma dear?''Kyouko, her older sister said. "C-Can I go over to the payground? P-Pleaze?", Akuma said, assuming she'd say no but still hopeful. "I don't know...what do you think Tama-Chan?''Kyouko asked her little brother. "ooo! I can watch her while you finish the errands!"
"Wait! I-I can go by mysef! I-I mean you won't be f-far! Right?''Akuma interrupted. Granted, Tamaki was a little disheartened by that... "I don't know Akuma...Mother and Father wouldn't be happy if we let you off on your own..." Kyouko said worriedly.
Tamaki thought for a moment then said, "Oh! What if I stay on that bench and watch her? Then I won't be bothering her as she plays but she still won't be alone!" . . . "Alright, fine, that sounds good to me," Kyouko said with a warm smile.
"Really!?"Said Akuma as her face lit up. Kyouko nods and Akuma grabbed Tamaki's hand running to the playground.
"Alright! I-I'll be over dere!"Akuma said with a smile before running to the slide. "As Akuma waited in line a young boy came up to her. "Hey! What's with your eye? I see a lot of weird people, but your eye is funny! And why do you have an eyepatch? It looks weird"he asked quickly, making Akuma uneasy..."I- Uhmm- I-I don't- I mean..." she tried to speak but got so nervous she could barely stutter a word, then more kids came out and started asking questions, picking her apart, and even making fun of her.
'There' many people! What should I say? They're laughing...did I do something wrong? I didn't mean to! I can't see onii-chan anymore... Did he go? He wouldn't leave me...right? There's so much going on...I can't head's so loud!' These thoughts kept racing through Akuma's mind as she covered her ears and turned around as everything seemed to get louder and louder.
Until everything calmed down... "Are you okay Akuma?"Akuma opened her eyes and turned around to see Tamaki kneeling making sure she was alright as the kids parted. "! Y-Yeah! Thank you O-Onii-chan!" Akuma said smiling and calming down, she was especially grateful knowing how much her older brother didn't like a lot of people either. 'But he still came!' She thought to herself.
"Would you like to go back to the store with Kyo?"Tamaki asked her. Akuma shook her head, "no!" She said, "I-I think I'll go over b-by the tree, th-there aren't many people a-and I can still pay!" Akuma said hopeful he'd agree. "Alright..b-but! If anything happens come and get me! K?"Tamake told her. "Y-yup! Of course!"Akuma smiled and hugged him then left going by the tree.


Tokoyami's POV:

'My parents aren't here to pick me up yet...' Tokoyami thought sitting on a rock looking at birds. 'I know they don't want to see me. But I hope they do come back least before it gets dark.' "Hey! Don't worry Fumikage! They have to come back before it gets dark! I'm here you know!" Dark Shadow, his quirk, said, trying to cheer him up. "I guess you're right...but for now I'm fine with my birds," Tokoyami said, turning back and paying attention to a small pigeon in front of him. "Is he like- your brother?" Dark Shadow asked. "What?! No! You know that! Will you stop with this stuff?"yelled Tokoyami, clearly embarrassed and annoyed.


"Hey! Who's that?-Dark Shadow said, going behind Tokoyami as he sees a young girl behind a tree that immediately hides when she realizes she was spotted- "what's what?"asked Tokoyami, looking behind him. "There was a girl there! She was watching us!" Dark shadow said with curiosity in his voice. Tokoyami stood up and followed the dark shadow to the tree. "Hello? Is someone there?" Tokoyami asked only halfly expecting any response, assuming dark shadow was merely messing with him again.
"N-No?" said a small soft and quiet voice from the tree. Tokoyami was surprised to hear someone. 'I told you!' Dark shadow said in tokoyam's head. 'Yeah yeah you were right...' Tokoyami thought. "You can come out! I won't hurt you or anything! I promise."Tokoyami spoke to the tree hoping he'd get a response.
-the top of a head came out of a small girl, all he could see was glasses, messy pigtails, pointy ears, and big round eyes- Tokoyami was surprised, to be honest no one like that has ever gotten so close to him without having commented on his head yet. "H-Hi...I-I'm sorry for looking!" The girl said, seeming rather nervous. "Oh! It's okay! Don't worry about it, would you like to come out? From the tree I mean..." "uhmmm...o-okay...."the girl nervously came out from behind the tree messing with her fingers and looking at the ground still nervous.
'She's pretty! Isn't she Fumikage?' 'Yeah...she does have really pretty eyes I guess...'thought Tokoyami in response to Dark Shadow. "I-I'm super s-sorry I was w-watching you...I-I wanted to get away from the other kids a-and I didn't wanna bother you....b-but I thought you looked really c-cool! I-I was gonna talk to you b-but I got scared...."the girl said. 'Sh-she thought I was cool!?'Tokoyami thought getting a bit flustered saying how he doesn't really get complicated often. 'ooOoOooOoOooO~'DS said to get on tokoyamis nerves. 'Shut up please...'Tokoyami thought. "I-it's fine! Really! So Uhmm, I- er-...what's your name?"Tokoyami asked the girl. "Uhmmm....y-you wouldn't like it..."she said. "Wait- What do you mean?"asked Tokoyami, confused. "It- Uhmm...m-my name's Akuma... A-Akuma Amajiki!..."she said looking back at the ground as her ears dropped. 'Akuma!? Really!? Why would her parents name her that?!' Tokoyami said, taken aback.
"Umm- w-well-...Okay...My name's Tokoyami! Tokoyami Fumikage." "....I-it's nice to meet you... Pl-Pleasure to make your acquaintance Fumi-kun."Akuma said with a smile, seeming to calm down. Tokoyami couldn't help but get a bit flustered, no one's given him a nickname before, especially a granted, he can't help but think, cute, girl. "I- Y-Yeah! Uhmm, y-you too Akuma" Tokoyami said with a nervous smile trying to relax.
"Pft-"Dark shadow was trying to hold back a laugh from Tokoyami acting like this. Tokoyami was trying to tell DS to be quite when Akuma spoke up, 'Fumi-kun, w-would you like to play a game w-with me?' Tokoyami was surprised but agreed. They played and got to know each other till Akuma had to leave.

From then on they'd play and see eachother on the occasion...

and the rest is history~

. . .

Thank you so much for reading!!! Hope you enjoyed it!!! =) and until next time my meow-lyns <3

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2022 ⏰

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