Chapter One

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Season One, Episode One
Pilot - Part One
October 31st, 2005

Dean was laying on his back in the motel room that had one king-sized bed, bedside the bed was a portable crib but Dean had decided to give up on that a few hours earlier when Jaye wouldn't stop crying. she was now fast asleep and Dean didn't have the heart to move her, he didn't mind though, Jaye's sleep was far more important than his. Dean had already gotten a few hours of sleep that night anyway, he could go the rest of the week without sleep if he had too, and if would if it meant getting to see his baby girl asleep on his chest. 

Deam didn't know what Jaye's mother looked like, he was drunk when they had sex, but Jaye didn't look much like Dean so he assumed that Jaye looked like her mother. Dean didn't know if that was a good or a bad thing, if someone asked if he was babysitting for his wife he would always say yes, it was far easier than trying to explain that all he knew about her mother was that her name was Stephanie, he didn't know if she was dean or alive and he quite frankly didn't care, she abandoned Jaye on his motel room doorstep when she was three days old and didn't even bother leaving a note, Jaye might not even be his but Dean doesn't care, he loves Jay more then anything in the world, even Sam is in competition with her. 

"I can't wait for you to meet Uncle Sammy, Jayebird," Dean whispered, brushing his hand over Jaye's soft brown hair. Dean grabbed his cell phone from where it was next to him and tried calling Sam's number again. "this is Sam Winchester, please leave your name and number and I will get back to you as soon as possible,". Dean wanted to through his phone, he had called Sam so many times over the years and especially in the past few months, he had called Sam when he got custody of Jaye, he called Sam when Jaye gave him a look that made him think of Sam, and then in the past few days, he had called Sam over sixty times because Dean couldn't get ahold of their father. 

Dean calmed himself down a little and looked down at Jaye, she was still fast asleep, even when she was quite young Jaye always was a heavy sleeper like Dean. but unlike Dean and more like Sam, if you move her an inch, she would wake up in a screaming fit. Dean could swear he heard her call him a "Son of a Bitch" once, Dean wouldn't argue that his parents had problems, but still, she was four months old and he figured that was a little too young to start swearing. Dean kissed her head and smiled down at the baby in his arms, "I love you Jaye" he mumbled. dean smiled at Jaye's quiet baby snores and kissed her head again. 

in a few hours, Dean would have to get them both to get up to go get Sam, but right now, he could wait, nothing else was more important than laying with his precious baby. probably the only baby he would get to have and he would make sure that she is always going to be loved, weather he got to watch her grow up or not. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2022 ⏰

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