24 - Lu

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Nat pov:

Here comes this girl, out of the blue, who spends her life fighting an uphill battle because she knows she'll rather die fighting than with a collar around her neck. A girl who makes me question myself and what I want. A girl that pushes me to fight because she has taught me that my life is precious.

All my friends are honest. And here comes this girl who lies because they are the only things she knows. But the truth is... her lies are what shows me that I have been lying all of this time too.

I want to know what she's thinking, what is going on behind those eyes, that smile? I wish I could read her mind, maybe then I could understand her–have a grasp of the situation.

I just don't know her.

Steve sighs, interrupting my thoughts, "You stole my idea. I was gonna lean here and wish my problems away."

"That obvious, huh?" I say, turning to glance at him, "So what are your problems?"

He shrugs, "They're not problems exactly. More like weighing options. What about you? A mission giving you trouble?"

"No. It's Luka, but it's probably the last thing you want to think about right now."

"You'd be surprised."

"She found out who kidnapped her. She's fixated on finding the guy and killing him." She levels her eyes, looking for his reaction.

"Don't take this the wrong way, but isn't killing people exactly what Luka does? And weren't you pretty pissed yourself?"

"Yes, but she also protects people. During missions, she was the only one who made me a top priority. She has saved my life multiple times."

He shakes his head apologetically, "I didn't know."

"Despite everything Luka was or is, it means something that she was there when I needed her the most. Even after everything she's done, she cares about people. Even all the terrifying things she's done it was because she thought that she was helping the team."

He exhales.

"So what's on your mind? Anything I can help you with?" I ask.

"Believe it or not, you already have," he smiles and I realize I have been so distracted dealing with myself that I have neglected to pay attention to my friends. I wonder if something has happened with him.

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