Elizabeth is a witch that isn't allowed to use magic. What happens when a powerful demon offers her the freedom she has always wanted?
* Prequel to "Fire in Darkness"!!*
Two months later, Elizabeth and Anton sit in the palace library. Over the past months they caught up on what they had missed about each other in the past years, making their bond grow. The witch sensed that her father wanted to speak with her and she would keep avoiding him.
Anton: You need to speak with the King.
Elizabeth: No.
Anton: Why?
Elizabeth: My father gives off a bad vibe from any distance I have seen him.
Anton: I will show you the garden, if you talk to him.
Elizabeth: Okay.
They walk to the throne room, but stop outside of the doorway when a girl throws herself on Anton. Elizabeth watches in jealousy and Evylin growls.
(Evylin: So help me, she better get off our mate or there will be blood all over in the next seconds.)
Anton: Elizabeth, this is my mate.
Elizabeth: Bullshit, the Wise Ones made this necklace that tells who my mate is which is you.
Anton: Oh.
Layla: Lair!
Elizabeth: Do you know who I am?
Layla: No one important.
Elizabeth: I am Elizabeth Eleanor Rosewood, daughter of King Zantho and lost princess of all species.
Layla: Shit.
Elizabeth: Guards, take her away.
Layla is taken away and Elizabeth enters the throne room. King Zantho hugs his daughter, but soon sits back on his throne. The Princess smirks at the nervous look on her fathers face. She knew that everyone in the castle, except Anton, were nervous around her.
Dad: You have grown into a beautiful lady.
Elizabeth: Thank you.
Dad: How is your mother?
Elizabeth: Good, she adopted another daughter named Roxanne.
Dad: It's a shame that she left me and took you with her.
Elizabeth: It was for protection, you also wanted to use me as a weapon.
Dad: Let us forget about the past, there will be a ball tonight.
Elizabeth: I don't dance.
Dad: You still have to attend!
Elizabeth: Damn, calm down old man.
The King nods at Anton to take Elizabeth out the room and the mates go to the palace garden. As they walk around it, the witch tells Anton the truth about how the Wise Ones didn't let her use magic most of the time.
Anton: Were any of them nice to you?
Elizabeth: The Wise Ones were confusing, one second it seemed like they were trying to help me and the next second they wouldn't allow me to use magic at all.
Anton: That is messed up.
- After the Ball -
Elizabethgoes through a hidden gate in the garden that led to the vampire territory. A few minutes later a truck speeds towards the princess, but Anton out of the way on time. The truck falls down a nearby hill and hits the tree in front of it.
Anton: Are you okay?
Elizabeth: Oh, I am stupid.
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Anton: I will check the driver.
He gets the driver and Elizabeth pales at the sight of a bloody Dwayne. The Princess tries to heal the warlock with her light magic, but it continues to bleed more. Tears fall down her face at the thought of Mary losing her mate.
Elizabeth: Why is my magic not working?!
Dwayne: E-Elizabeth?
Elizabeth: I am here.
Dwayne: Y-You have been m-missing for two months.
Elizabeth: What?
Anton: Time is different in our territory.
Dwayne: Roxane t-told everyone you killed your self.
The warlock coughs up black stuff and blood. Elizabeth frowns, this wasn't from the accident and the warlocks magic should also be at least healing him.
(Evylin: Even I DO NOT think that is normal.)
Anton: I'm no warlock, but I don't think you should be coughing up black stuff.
Elizabeth: Why is none of our magic healing you?
Dwayne: Lilly found out about the marriage and put an ancient - forbidden spell on me.
Elizabeth: Does Mary know?
Dwayne: Promise to tell her and our baby that I love them.
Before she responds, he breathes one last time and closes his eyes. Elizabeth tells Anton to burn the body. They then go back to the castle in silence.
Anton: It wasn't your fault.
Elizabeth: My magic should have worked to at least heal his.
Anton: You haven't used your magic much since we were six, but it is the Wise Ones fault for forcing that.
Elizabeth: I want to leave this place and live in a cabin near the vampires, come with me.