The wedding-15

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"I do" I smiled at Kurt as I say my vows.

"Kurtis Kunkle, do you take y/n l/n to be your loftly wedded wife." The pastor looked between me and Kurt as he spoke.

"I do." He smiled warmly at me, his brown eyes sparkling.

"You may now kiss the bride." The pastor said.

Kurt looks at him then me, then leading down to kiss me.

I close my eyes and wait for the feeling of his lips against mine. A moment later, I feel cold rough lips touch mine. I open my eyes, confused. To see the lifeless body of my ex, but with much more life in it than I remember. Everything around me was dark, Kurt was no where to be seen.

"Remember me y/n? You took my happiness, now I'm gonna take yours." He pulled a knife from his pocket and stabbed me. He then pointed towards the darkness. I could hear screaming in the distance.

I ran in that direction, scared of what might be happening to Kurt. The screaming got louder, and louder till it was unbearable.

I could see a lot of red in the distance and I ran towards it. As I got closer, I could make out Kurt being attacked by a woman with long, dark hair.

It couldn't be.


My ex best friend.

Who I killed.

She turned around, her forest green eyes glistening with something that I can only imagine as rage.

"Kurt!" I screamed, falling to my knees. The pain of being stabbed was too much. I watched as she stabbed his chest and started dragging the knife down his body. He screamed as he was being torn apart. His body shook for a few more moments till he went limb.

I could feel my eyes getting heavier and heavier till I passed out.


"Y/n...Y/n, love" I was being shaken awake.

"Kurt." I breathed a sign of relief.

"What's wrong? You were shaking and yelling my name." he placed his hands on my shoulders.

"Sex dream?" He asked, cocking an eyebrow and smirking.

I rolled my eyes, sitting up.

"No, just a nightmare." I sighed.

"Well it didn't seem like nothing." he muttered.

"I'm fine, really." I placed my hand on his cheek and smiled softly.

"Well you better not be getting cold feet." He poked my cheek and stood up, walking towards the kitchen.


"I should probably get going." I hugged Kurt from behind while he was cooking.

"Okay, I love you." he turned around and squeezed me in his arms.

"Bye." I whispered as his grip on me softened.


"You look beautiful." my mom came into the room.

I was in my dressing room, all dolled up in my dress. My hair and makeup done.

"It's almost time." Robin spoke as she poked her head in.

She had on a nice suit with doc Martin boots.

"You look nice Rob." I smiled at her.

"Not as nice as you." I blushed "Groom's ready for you... Are you ready?"

I paused for a moment. I thought about how I was marrying the love of my life, the man who I will be spending the rest of my life with.

"Yeah." I smiled warmly at her.

I walked with them to the doors that lead to the alter. Standing in front of the door was Bob.

"Y/ look beautiful." he said in awe.

"Thank you Bob." I smiled.

"Now I may not be your dad, but may I have the honers of walking you down?" He asked timidly.

"I would love nothing more." He tangled his arm in mine as we got ready to walk down.

The doors slowly opened, I could hear the music starting. There were so many people. Some were co-workers of mine, some I didn't know. But it was nice to know people cared enough to show up.

That's when I saw him.


He had a smile permanently plastered on his face. I could see tears threatening to fall out of his eyes when he saw me. My eyes we're watery too just seeing him.

When we reached the end Bob gave me a hug and sat down. I stepped up to the alter and stood in front of Kurt. The pastor began going over vows and such.

We said our vows, he slipped on the ring, and were finally able
to kiss.

The kiss was tender and sweet, it felt like forever before I opened my eyes.

"I love you kurtis."


-Accomplice- Kurt Kunkle x readerWhere stories live. Discover now