Xandred upset

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With One Eye.......

She is in her room watching sadly from the window

Malikai sees her sad*

She sighed

Malikai: Still no sign of Niloks grandma.

One Eye- I know.....

Malikai pats her back*

Velvet sees her and crawls to her*

One Eye looks

Velvet hugs her leg*

One Eye looks and picks Velvet up

Velvet giggles*

One Eye- You look so cute. ( Snuggles her) You look like my children when they were babies... I kissed them so much as babies..

Beige looks and smiles*

Velvet giggles and claps her hands*

One Eye- You almost look like me too. Except for the mousey ears , and the wings. But still adorable...

She then started to cry of the cuteness since it reminded her of Umbra, Morton, Zang Saba, and Sakurami as babies

Perilous: I'm the son of Saba.

One Eye is surprised and looks at gim

Tigs: Really?!

Perilous: Yes, wish I could see my mom again.

One Eye cries more and then hugs onto Perilous next

Perilous: Oh!

One Eye- My other grandbaby ! I miss my baby daughter too !

Perilous pats her: There there.

One eye- I miss my babies and my husband so much !

Malikai: Hey, maybe next episode we'll see Aunt Saba.

Perilous: She lives in South Carolina.

One Eye- Huh ?

Morty: Oh yeah, Uncle Zang lives in Dark town with us, my dad and my mother are doing okay in heaven, but no idea where aunt Sakurami is.

One Eye- I still can't believe Xandred thinks I'm dead.

With Xandred.....

Xandred drinks his medicine*

Octoroo watches

Xandred: I want one of my Niloks out there to scope around this Toon town.

Octoroo- yes sir. But... How did you know your wife is dead ?

Xandred: I heard my wife talking to me, but when I heard her last breath, I was devastated and angry.


One Eye as a normal weasel , since all her children are now grown and moved , decided to move away to a new home as she gently put the jewel down

Xandred: Honey?

One Eye- It's alright dear. I'm here

Xandred: What's going on?

One Eye- Okay. I decided to move since all our children are grown but Sanders found me and started to chase me

Xandred: Oh no!

One Eye- I know !

A blast almost hits One Eye making her yell before she looks and sees Sanders trying to make her be his or be gone

Sanders: You had your chance, now you must die!

One Eye- No ! Why can't you see I am married and I have kids ?!

Sanders: I gave you a chance to love me. *points the staff at her* Now you must die...

One Eye gasped

Sanders blasts her, One eye fall on the ground*

Sanders: Good bye my love. *as he leaves*

Xandred: Honey?! Honey where are you?!

One Eye-.... X-Xandred.....

Xandred: Honey?!

One Eye- I love you.... I'm okay.... Im.... Okay...... I'm.....

She signed and blacked out from the pain

Xandred: Honey?! No...no. NOOOOOOO!!!

Flashback ends....

Xandred: I will get my revenge on him!

Tooya came in: Master Xandred, allow me to go to the surface.

Octoroo- Huh ?

Xandred: Are you strong enough?

Tooya: Yeah, anything to find that evil sorcerer.

Xandred- Very well.... 

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