author's note

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To my lovely readers,

First off, hello and welcome to romeo & juliet, thank you so much for taking the time to read my book, I hope you enjoy the rollercoaster that is the story of Aurelia and Regulus!

Second, this book does contain mature and dark themes (just for context, those of you have also read intoxicating love, it's far darker). There's a fair amount of swearing, underage drinking and smoking, alcohol abuse, etc. There's quite a lot of mention of murder, death, war, etc. as it takes place during the Marauders Era, but nothing overly graphic. Themes of abuse, depression, anxiety, and unhealthy coping are also present so take caution to that. 

Aurelia and Regulus are both characters with a lot of mental health problems and struggles, and this book is them working through it. By no means are their coping mechanisms healthy in any way, but I want to depict their struggles in a realistic way. 

Graphic sexual content is also a potential that I have yet to make up my mind about, but if I include it, I will leave a warning. That being said, this is primarily a light hearted work, though it does involve a lot of talk of more sensitive topics. 

Thank you so much for your reads once again & happy reading!

Lots of love,


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