Chapter 1

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"Do you want to be treated like this when you have so much potential?" 

This voice belonged to a red headed woman who goes by the name Erza. Erza Scarlet. She is nineteen years old and her look are enough to make any man fall for her. But, she wasn't interested in men. No, she was interested in freeing women from men. She was a feminist. 

"Tell me! Do you want to be treated like this?" She asked again, hoping for a reaction from the crowd.

There was a string of murmurs but no firm opinion from the crowd. There weren't any men present in the crowd - only women. They had come to meet the others in the market square while the men were busy drinking or working. They hadn't expected a red headed teenager asking them for their opinion.

The speeches made by Erza Scarlet are famous. Infamous. King Acnologia had warned all the cities that she is the reincarnation of Satan himself. That she wants to misguide the populace. So, no matter what she said, the women would not be moved.

Except, like always, they were thinking.

'Why can't the men do the housework for once?'

'Can I actually choose who I want to marry?'

'Can I do jobs just like men can?'

Erza smiled to herself. She always succeeded in making the women join her side. Always.

"But," a woman's voice rang out over the waves of whispers of the crowd.

"Yes?" Erza asked.

"...What will our fathers think of our behavior? They will be ashamed."

Erza smiled. "That is true, they will be ashamed."

The girl's face dropped visibly.

"But, they will die sooner or later, content with their lives." Erza continued. "But us? We will die with our dreams unfulfilled!"

She paused.

"We don't have to change our lives because of others." Erza said softly. "We are humans too. We are a part of god's creation too."

"What if you don't have a dream?" A middle-aged woman called out.

"Everyone has a dream!" Erza raised her voice again. "It's just that women are told to not have dreams. They are taught that they are the lower humans. That men are the only ones capable of dreaming. Years later, we forget about them and move on with our lives."

"I'm here to ensure you don't do that. To ensure that you live your life to the fullest and die without regrets. I'm here so that women can get equal rights as men."

And the women cheered.


"That's another thirty." A white haired bartender said. "Good job!"

"Thanks, Mira." Erza said.

"Where are we headed next?" A woman with brown hair and named Milliana asked.

Erza thought for a moment. Then she smiled

"Let's head towards Crocus," she glanced at Mira. "Natsu is there."

(A/N They are currently in Magnolia.)


"That's the fifth one that we hung up." Rogue looked up from the scroll he was holding, gazing firmly at the king. "Today."

"Tch. They're such annoying little pests." The king - Acnologia - muttered.

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