Wings of Fire OCs

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I felt like drawing kind of chibi versions of them, I'm glad the colors turned out well

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I felt like drawing kind of chibi versions of them, I'm glad the colors turned out well

Here's some backstory for each of them I guess:

He grew up in a household with a mom, dad, and four sisters. And he loved them all with his entire heart. But one day when he came home after an afternoon flight he found that they were all gone. He waited for the rest if the day worriedly and tried to deny that any harm had come to them. But he could not deny any longer that they were stolen from their own home. He packed up what he needed and started venturing to any nearby place, going further away from the scene after each unsuccessful search. He keeps on searching, desperately trying to find them again or at least a trace of what happened. He won't stop his search, no matter what.

She grew up with a single guardian and two brothers, their parents had died in battle. The three were pushed to train and were severely punished for mistakes. Years they trained hard, and one day they were decided to be ready for their first battle. It was bloody and permanently scarring for them all, especially when the youngest of them, named Knoll, died from his wounds soon after battle. Being raised to dismiss any emotions other than those deemed fit for fierce warriors, they could not healthily deal with this loss. Felsic, the eldest, became very different. He seemed to be unfocused and often zoned out, he scarcely ate or slept and he often froze in a trance-like state. The only one he would talk to was Pyre, who showed great concern for her brother. One unsuspecting night Felsic confided in his sister that he wished to get away from this place with her. Away from all the pain and violence. They attempted this, but only one got away. The guards got hold of Felsic as he urged his sister to continue flying, as far as her wings could carry her. She tried to fight back but was no match with the guards having greater number. She left with a painfully aching heart as she finally obeyed her brother's pleads. She lived alone at the far edges of a rainforest, until she met Indri. The Rainwing offered her refuge and later they became close friends, and then close partners. This happened with slow increase, of course, especially due to Pyre's issues with trust.

Indri wasn't raised by a structural family, like many other Rainwings. So they always felt slightly alone, as no one else would really hang out with them due to their adventurous nature. She always wanted to explore the less traveled parts of the forest. When they were old enough they struck out on their own, tired of everyone being uninterested in learning more than what was needed. She lived by herself in the farther fringes of the rainforest, studying any plants or animals she found out there. It was lonely, they had to admit. But it all changed when she met Pyre. They were never happier in their life than when she met her. She grew to love the Skywing over time and they both currently live together as a couple.

They're not fully fleshed out but I like 'em :]

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