The Beginning of the End - Pt.1

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After I saw the knife, I started running as fast as I could and Eric's started walking towards me slowly holding her huge knife. Erica said,"I have killed many people but your different, there's no need of running, I'll catch you someday". After she said these words to me, she disappeared into thin air.

I ran back home, now I'll never fall into this type of traps ever again. A few weeks later, I was hanging out with Bella. We both were talking in my bedroom when someone whispered in my ear-"I guess you found"

After that, I have been seeing Erica almost everywhere, but when I blink, the next moment, no one's there. Once someone wrote,'WATCH YOUR BACK' on my bathroom mirror with...blood. I knew Erica was behind all of this.

I knew I can't handle this for a longer period of time. The only way to stop this was by killing Erica. I know Erica is stronger than I am, but it is DO or DIE situation.

I told Bella the whole thing and she was ready to help me. We both started writing 'ERICA' with red paint on all the mirrors in my house. As you see we both tried to summon Erica but it did not work. After an hour so, Erica did not come but, she took Bella with her! After a bit of thinking I knew where she would take her, to my old house.

I quickly took my car and went there. As I thought, Erica and Bella were there. I saw Bella tied up to a chair, she was asking for help.

In order to save Bella, I had to kill Erica first. I pulled out my pocket knife and aimed it at Erica, but she dodged it and disappeared. I took Bella home.

After a lot of searching, I got to know that Erica came from the Black mirror.

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