f o u r .

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Travel to Moghom Borading School is hell on wheels. "It's not that close." Jorsh- I think- says. "You can tell me what brought you here, or if you want to talk about something, I can keep a secret." He continues, smiling, his eyes fixed on road.
Yeah, I wouldn't say so. We are driving trough nature, passing trees, beautiful big houses and hillocks. Every house has a big fence, with similar, but yet different, unique details. "Different, isn't it?" Jorsh smiles sleeplishy. It's another country, a really different country, actually. "Britians have different style that Americans" I furrow my brows in confusion. "How do you know I'm from America?" He chuckels. "Moghom isn't seated in a big place, when something happens, everyone will know about it sooner or later. Like you, coming as a new student. And, I was on the airport when you came, remember?" He finishes, slight smile still on his lips. My cheeks redden in embarassment, but I'm not gonna let him see. "Yeah, I forgot." I said, my expression cold and emotionless. Jorsh, I guess, realized I don't want to talk and didn't say anything for the rest of the 1 and a half hour ride.
"And, here we are." He annaunces, turning right, and entering the small street that in America couldn't even pass as a footpath. After few minutes, the car stops in front of the huge building and big garden framed with high black fence.
"That's it" Jorsh says, getting out of the car, with me following him. "Mrs. Heyley will be here any moment." He says, putting my suitcase out of the backseat of the car.
Sudenlly, a strange feeling fills my chest, making me feel homesick, and all I'm thinking about is that I should've ran away when I still could.

Mrs. Heyley, the principal, gave me all the papers I'm going to need, and is currently walking me to my room, which I'm, shame, going to be sharing with some girl.
"Don't be nervous." Mrs. Heyley says when we reached the door. "She doesn't bite." Shame, I think, Because I sure can bite.
She slowly opens the door, but not before knocking, and reveal the room with a brunette sitting on a bed. "Ella, this is Mona" says she. Mona is a, pretty girl, around nineteen, and has middle-lenght dark brown hair. She seems a bit nervous, but friendly, like she is glad to see me. Weird.
"Ohh", she says, standing up, and quickly looking at my platforms and dark jeans, before returning to my head. "I'm really glad you came! Having someone to share a room with after one whole year is going to exciting, don't you think?" She says with a slight smile on her face. "Yeah, so interesting", I say, and, right after my that, she slowly pull her hand away, her smile dropping a bit, showing clear disapointment on her face, making me feel guilty for a moment. "I cleaned your part of the room", she says, pointing at the twin bed, bedside table, and closet, with a small desk in the corner of the room. "Okay girls, I'll leave you now." Mrs. Heyley says, clearing her troath. "Mona, show Ella around a bit will you?" She is now looking at the brunette, and she nods. Mrs. Heyley shafts her look back at me, and says, "Your classes are starting tommorow. Hope you like it here." And with that she is out.
"So", Mona speaks again, " Let me help you unpack, than I'll show you around." I exhaled deeply, but nodded.
I have called mom a few times, left her messages, but she's not answering. I'm left alone.
Mona is right now showing me around, talking without pauses about some professors amd what not, but I'm not listening. My mind is set on mom, on America, on what is she doing right now. I'm thinking what would I do now if dad hasn't left us, even tough I know I shouldn't. "So, Ella, what do you think?" Mona's voice dragged me back to reality. "Ughh, what were we talking about?" She sighed, but giggled in the end. "I asked if you'd like to come to dinner now? Or you aren't hungry?"
"Ah, yeah, I'll skip dinner." Her face fell a little, but was soon back to her normal, smiley, friendly look. "Okay. I'll be in room when the dinner finish. Which is, in an hour." She smiles friendly, than leaves.
I quickly pulled the phone out of my pocked, trying to call mom. But guess what? No signal.
Groaning, I glanced around me, and, even tough Mona just showed me everything, I have no idea where I am. Suddenlly, something, or, should I say, someone bumped into my side. I turned to see a girl, getting up from floor, and dusting herself off. "Oh, sorry, didn't see you." I say to her. She lifts her gaze, meeting my eyes. She has dirty blonde hair, brown eyes and long lashes. Little to say she's beautiful. "Whatever." Is all she says. I rolled my eyes, and just as I was about to walk away, a voice commented: "Are you new here? I haven't seen you around." That wasn't the girl. I turned, meeting a pair of brown orbs, belonged to a tall boy standing in front of me. I schrunced my nose, not answering, and the boy just smirked. "Aria, say sorry to the girl, you aren't polite" He says, turning to look at the girl that just bumped into me. This time, she rolled her eyes, chrossing her arms over her chest. "I won't" Aria, the girl's name I figured is, replied in a challenging tone, smirking. "I'm sorry, I have to go now" Passing the students, I found the exit, stepping onto the grass, the cold brezee hitting my skin.

I have been walking around the park on the school grounds for quite a while now, following the, to me, unkown paths, exploring the environment. As I eventually got tired, I sat on the nearest brench, which happened to be in front of a giant wall covered in lianas and flowers. I must admit, this part of the school was really pretty. Though it was the only pretty thing about this whole situation.
Just as I was about to get lost in my own world, a voice tranced me out, saying "You shouldn't be here."

I really, absolutely hate this chapter.

Comment your opinions, and share with friends, please.
Thanks for reading,
Love you all.

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