Part 5 ~ Going Psychotic?

195 7 1

Mature Language
Mention of switchblade, stitches
Miss gendering



"George calm down.. i know this is.. a lot to take in.. but Umm.. your father informed me that.. Prince Clay wants a meeting with all the kingdoms in this country"

"Excuse me.. WHAT?!" Phil nods his head slowly. "Absolutely not, I do not trust that kingdom one bit anymore!" George added.

"I know, I know, but your father already agreed to this. It will be tommorow"

"I-I.. This is nonsense! This is a fucking set up! I don't believe a single thing Clay says! It's all bullshit that comes out of his mouth! He said it himself litterly today!!"

"He sounded serious George.. I feel like you should give him one more shot"

"One more shot of what? to kill me? Please you must be joking!"

"I'm no joking george. The king told me he wants to speak with you just as you found out this information"

George crosses his arms and looks down to his feet "I don't want to speak to him." he looks back up at philza "Can you talk to him Phil? and tell him that ranboo can't be my guard for a while since he got injured"

"George, you're 17, your taking the throw very, very soon-"

George scoffs "That's 3 years Phil and besides I will need to find someone to rule the kingdom with me before I even take the crown"

Phil sighs "he called you personally. He said he wants to address what's going on the Internet between you and ka-" George cut Phil off

"Your kidding. When has he cared about what's happening on the Internet? Besides, nothing is going on between me and Prince Karl, absalutly nothing! We are friends goddammit! can I not have friends anymore"

"He lives in a different kingdom george."

"He have an alliance with kinoko!"

"He doesn't care george." Phil turned around and faced the door "I'd go speak to him"

George rolls his eyes and got out of his bed and followed philza.

"Why did you come back?" George questioned. Phil sighed and ignore george.

"Excuse me I'm talking to you" George said again. Phil ignored him once again. George gave up and kept walking behind phil

George walked up to the Kings door and philza left. He knocked "Come in" the King said from inside his throne room. George entered. "Oh George, you actually came"

George rolled his eyes and walked over to the other side of his father. "Make this quick" he said and he leaned against the table

"Why don't you take a seat george, we have a lot to address" George rolled his eyes again. "I already told you to make this quick!"

"Oh george this won't be quick, sit down" George sighed from defeat and sat down. "What do you what dad"

"Well George, about the Crimson Kingdom. I have agreed to send you to the meeting. You will be meeting other prince's and princess's of other kingdoms tommorow. One of the guard will bring you, you bring ranboo with you just in case-" George cut off his father

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