Episode 1 (part 1)

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I feel the sun on my face. I see trees all around me, scent of wildflowers on a breeze. It's so beautiful. In this moment, I'm not stranded in space. It's been 97 years since a nuclear apocalypse killed everyone on Earth, leaving the planet simmering in radiation. Fortunately, there were survivors at the time of the bombs. There is now only the Ark, one station forged from the many. We're told the Earth needs another 100 years to become survivable again, and man can go home, back to the ground. The ground, that's the dream. This is reality.

Reality sucks.

I woke from my cell door slamming open, "prisoner 320, get up and face the wall." I got up as slow as possible. "I said get up." I glanced at the guard for a second and looked at the floor. "Well someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed," I mumbled under my breath. I got off my 'bed' and stood facing the wall. "Hold out your right arm." I'm a very curious person so I started asking questions, "Why? What's going on? Are you going to float me early? What are you go-," I was cut off by the guard, "shut up." I grew quiet and started freaking out, I was hyperventilating. Suddenly without any warning I felt a pinch on my wrist and black dots swarmed my vision and then it all went black.


I had woken up to a large shake and looked around the room I was in. I had no idea where I was and for some reason the chancellor was on a screen in the room. I realized that I was on a drop ship and there were more teenagers all around me. I remembered that the chancellor was on a screen and that I should probably listen to him to find out whats going on. I caught was he was saying mid sentence. "-It is my hope that you see this as not just a chance for you, but a chance for us all, indeed for mankind itself. We have no idea what is waiting for you down there. If the odds of survival were better, we would have sent others. Frankly, we're sending you because your crimes have made you expendable-" "Your dads a dick, Wells." That made me a little ticked off, "Hey how 'bout you shut up asshole." Nobody said anything after that and I smirked.

"Those crimes will be forgiven, your records wiped clean. The drop site has been chosen carefully. Before the last war, Mount Weather was a military base built within a mountain. It was to be stocked with enough non-perishable to sustain 300 people for up to two years." The chancellor was cut off again, "Spacewalk bandit strikes again."" Go, Finn!" Finn, I recognized that name. That's the guy who went for a spacewalk and got caught. "Check it out. Your dad floated me after all." Wells had decided to try and get him to sit down, "You should strap in before the parachutes deploy." Two idiots took out a knife and stared trying to cut their strap and I had enough of this so I was going to try and get them to stay in their seats but a blonde chick beat me to it , "Hey, you two, stay put if you want to live." I heard a little part of what the chancellor was saying, "Mount Weather is life. You must locate those supplies immediately."

Another conversation started up and me being me I had to listen in, "Hey, you're the traitor who's been in solitary for a year." Blonde had a comeback, "You're the idiot who wasted a month of oxygen on an illegal spacewalk," but that didn't bother Finn. "But it was fun. I'm Finn" Their conversation stopped and I was hoping to hear a little of what the chancellor had to say, " Your one responsibility is stay alive." The two dumbos who decided to try and get out of their seats finally did it and I had enough, "Stay in your seats." But it was to late, the parachutes deployed. Finn went flying somewhere behind Blonde's chair and the other crashed into a wall. "Finn, are you ok?" That voice is familiar, I'll find out when we land, if we're still alive by then.

The drop ship was shaking violently and there were sparks everywhere. I saw that Clarke from what I just heard and Wells were yelling at each other about something but I didn't listen cause I was to busy freaking out!

The ship finally stopped shaking and landed. Clark went to check the two others who got out of their seats while everybody else on the upper level went to the lower level to get to the door. I saw Octavia and ran to her and gave her a big hug. "We should probably get downstairs," I told her after we pulled away from the hug. "Yeah we probably should." Octavia went down the stairs first and stopped half way, "Bellamy?" I was in shock, "Bellamy's down there?" She didn't answer, just finished climbing down the stairs and walked towards the door. I quickly followed behind her and also saw Bellamy in guards uniform at the door, "Bellamy!" I ran towards him and pushed through the crowd that formed around the door. He looked at us and smiled, "My god, look how big you guys are." We had a group hug when Octavia noticed what I had already noticed, "What the hell are you wearing, a guard's uniform." Bellamy looked away for a second and back to us, " I borrowed it to get on the drop ship. someone has got to keep an eye on you two." and someone had to ruin the moment, that someone was of course Clark, "Where's your wristband?" Octavia replied quickly, "Do you mind?" My turn, "We haven't seen our brother in a year." Another person, "No one has a brother." After that comment everyone realized who we are, "That's Octavia and Luna Blake, the twins they found hidden in the floor." Me and Octavia went to go after them when Bellamy stopped us, that person is lucky. "Octavia, Luna no. Let's give them something else to remember you by." Me and Octavia turned to him, "Yeah? Like what?" He smirked, "Like being the first person on the ground in 100 years." We smiled and Bellamy opened the door to the outside world. We held hands and nodded walking forward and jumping off the drop ship. "We're back, bitches!"

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