14, von the goat

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saturday 8:52am

Leonora woke up early the next morning to hurry and get DD out of the house, her mother was returning in the afternoon and she still hadn't told her about him. She watched as he slept peacefully on her side, his chest rising and falling calmly. One thing that she didn't expect was that this boy was a total teddy bear. Fuck all of the street shit, he was as soft as they came when it came to cuddles. 

A part of her just wanted to sit and watch him, as creepy as that sounded. To sit and admire him. He truly was a pretty boy, his curls tied into a bun on the top of his head, his naturally pink lips, and his clear skin. His oddly long lashes and sharp facial features.

David was one pretty ass boy. There was no denial in that. Leo got up and went to brush her teeth before waking the boy up. "DD," She stood on the right side of the bed to stand over the boy, watching as he looked around just to stare at her and turn back around. "David," She cooed once more, standing impatiently as she anticipated for her mother to come home any moment now.

His arm snaked around Leo's waist as he pulled her into bed and on top of him, his two arms wrapped around her neck. "Leave me alone DD," She pleaded, muffled in his shoulder. "I wanna cuddle with you." 

"Bro my mama's gon' be home, you gotta get back to Sugarhill before she's back, or else might as well hand my ass to her." Leo tried her hardest to reason with the boy who truly didn't care. He was busy holding his baby. He also obviously didn't care about his morning breath. 

Almost on demand, Lavon burst into her bedroom frantically, a worried look on his face as the two younger teens shot up. "Mama just exited. Nigga DD, you gotta go." David instantly pushed Leo off of him, grabbing his puffer and jeans and anything else he had. "I can't get beat by ha momma. Von get me outta hea'."

Leonora giggled at his worry whilst grabbing her phone off the charger and checking her mother's location, she surely was about 3 minutes away. 

Von threw his keys at the boy, "Go lay down in the back of my car. No grand theft auto shit nigga."

David hugged Leo quickly and dapped Von up, running barefoot down the stairs and outside to his Honda. Almost 45 seconds after DD shut the front door, it opened again, the jingling of their mother's keys in the front room. "My children!" She called, both Von and Leo following down the stairs. 

The two teens gave their mom a hug before both leaning on the counter, waiting for her to go on a ramble about the trip. Suprisingly, it never came. Leo kept giving her older brother anxious looks, he always got her out of shit and he needed to hurry up and think before they were caught. 

Hold on, Lavon mouthed. 

"Ma, can me and Leo go to Manhattan today? The traffic ain't bad and I been wanted to get sum clothes. " Lavon asked nicely. Their mother was already walking upstairs. "Yeah that's fine, I'm going to bed. Jetlag kicking my ass." 

Leo ran to give her brother a hug, which he returned before pulling away, "Well go get ready lil shit."

𝐀𝐍𝐒𝐖𝐄𝐑; david reyesWhere stories live. Discover now