Before the Quest

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We snuck into the village into Luka's house.

Scales: Oh hey, when he gets back, I wanna scare him. So can you stay hidden? It'll be funny.

Alice: It sounds like it could be amusing, very well, go ahead.

When I saw him out the window, I camouflaged into the wall and I dunno where Alice went. Once he entered I used my wind wind powers to slightly make everything rattle and started saying "you're too slow" like Faker and even added the music.

Luka brought out his sword and screamed.


Scales: SURPRISE!!!

He hit me, buy my scales protected me.

Scales: Relax, I was just messing with you. Hehehe. The snake lady from earlier wanted to visit you and I figured I'd tag along.

Luka: Was that scare necessary? Also what about the snake lady?

Scales: No, but it was funny. Also snake lady is here.

Alice: What he said was correct. Both about it being humorous and that you're slow.

Luka: How did you 2 find my house? I never showed you where I live.

Alice: By scent. Smelling your unsophisticated scent once was all it took.

Scales: I just followed her.

Luka: More importantly, how did 2 monsters like you enter the village?

Scales: I used camouflage to change the color of my scales to match my surroundings to appear invisible.

Alice: It's easy to trick humans...just who do you think I am?

Luka: I have no idea who you are...

Scales: Would it be cheating if I told him?

Alice: Yes, stay silent.

Luka: Why did you 2 come here?

Scales: I just felt like it.

Alice: Well...I was just interested. There's also something I want to confirm...

Luka: Eh?

Scales: Don't look at me, she didn't tell me anything.

Luka: Who are you?

Alice: Oh, just a traveling monster.

Luka: What?

Scales: A monster that travels, a monster that is currently traveling across the land, does that help?

Alice: Smart ass.

Luka: Why are you here anyway miss? I'm already depressed since I couldn't receive my baptism. If you came to make fun of me more...

Alice: Hah...hearing that is one of the reasons I came. So Illias didn't appear for your baptism. I owed her for giving me so many wounds. Goddess that created the stupid.

Luka: Eh..? What do you mean? You...what did you do?

Alice: Food.

Scales: You ATE HER!?! HOLY SHIT!! YOU KILLED THE BITCH!!! You lucky lamia.

Alice: That's not what I meant dumbass.

Scales: Yeah I know, it was a joke.

Luka: Huh?

Alice: Get me some food. Make yourself useful.

Scales: Whoa there! You expect him to just whip it out and start jacking it for you? Really?

I said this while trying not to laungh and trying to hide my smile.

Luka: WHAT!?!

Alice: Not that kind of food, I mean I want him to cook something. Idiots.

Scales: You want him to cook idiots? I'm down for that.

Luka looked horrified at that thought. Alice was looking more annoyed.

Alice: I was calling the both of you idiots, I just want regular food.

Scales: Oh, ok. Hey can I get something too?

Luka: Dried meat...

Alice: Dried meat...

Scales: Dried meat? No no no! That won't do! Stay here, I'll go get a deer or something.

I rushed out and quickly made it back to the forest. I shot down a few birds with spikes, got some squirrels in the same way, and a few fish. It only after I looked at my haul did I realize I needed a way to carry this stuff back. It then I saw a slug girl.

Scales: Hey you! I need to borrow your bag! I just killed a bunch of small animals for me and some friends to eat! And I need something to carry it back!

She looked at the pile of dead animals then back at me. Knowing my reputation and probably not wanting to end up on the menu she just nodded and gave me it then fled as quickly as possible. I fit as much as I could in the bag and just carried everything else by impaling the carcasses on my spikes and claws. I was surprised that I wasn't caught by any villagers. When I got back it appears Alice and Luka had finished the rest of their conversation, as well as the dried meat.

Scales: I'm back with the food!

Alice: Finally, took you long enough.

Luka: Your covered in animal blood.

Scales: That's what happens when you hunt. You get a little bloody.

Luka: I'll just cook now.

So we had our meal, what was left over became Luka's rations. Which was a lot more than what he had before. He went to say goodbye to everyone and we headed off.

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