Chapter 1: taken

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"Mal and malorie, my adorable little twins". Said the mom as she petted their hair, until she heard a knock at the door. She opened the door and saw a guard from the palace. "How may I help you?" She asked. "Ma'am we need to talk to you about your daughter". He said. "What's it about?" She asked. "Your daughter has a special voice that can keep the prince from destroying the palace, so we choose her as the new note". He said. The mother was shocked, she didn't think her daughter was going to be chosen to be the note. "I know the country is in danger but I cant let you have my daughter". She said. "Ma'am please just give us your daughter". He said. " You may not have my daughter and you never will!" She yelled. The guard was shocked, he has never heard someone say this before. "Ma'am you leave me no choice, if you won't give me your daughter then I'll just take her from you". He said as he pushed the mom out of his way. Mom fell to the ground. The guard heard the babies crying, he entered the room and took Malorie. Mom started to cry as they left on the carriage. She went upstairs to see Mal who was crying. "Shhh sh sh Its ok mal, I have a feeling we will see your sister again someday". She said as she petted mal's hair, she hugged him and started to cry again.
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The guard took malorie to the queen. "Queen here is malorie, the next note." He said. "Wonderful, you may take her to the cave where the prince lives." She said. "But queen she can't take care of herself". Said the guard. "The maiden is taking care of the prince, she can take car of malorie as well, once malorie grows up the maiden shall come back." She said. "As you say my queen." He hurried to the cave where he found the maiden. "Maiden rose!" He yelled. The lady turned around and saw the guard with the baby. "What may I do for you?" She asked. "This is the new note, malorie." He said as he handed the baby to her. "Oh, she's adorable." She said. "I need you to take care of her until she knows how to take care of her self." He said. "I will do as your say" she said. the guard took off on his horse. "Alright little malorie Im going to make a bed for you, you don't wanna sleep on the floor". She said as she walked into the cave.

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