Chapter 1

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Not everything is as it seems

I could feel my heart beating faster than I was running, I could hear whatever was chasing me getting close it sounded faster than a bear it couldn't be a human there's no way a human could move that fast, what the hell is chasing me? I could feel the panic rising in the pit of my stomach making my throat feel like it was closing no I couldn't be having a panic attack not now please not now not while I'm running for my life. As I ran I could see my hands turning blue, I've been so good at keeping whatever it is I have under control but now I could feel the ice brewing inside of me.
"No not here come on not now!" I yelled running as fast I could trying to wipe the frost growing on my finger tips off. Feeling as if my body wanted for me to stop running but I knew if I caved would be the last thing I did.
Musa POV
Stella, Bloom and I decided to take a walk past the training grounds for the specialist as our control over our magic class seemed to end early, seeing Mr. Silva talking more or less threatening the first years when Sky and Riven walked in front of us stopping us in our tracks.
"Hello ladies where are you heading?" Riven spoke with a smirk on his face, I rolled my eyes bringing my headphones up not wanting to listen to whatever nonsense came out of his mouth next but before I could I a since of panic ran through someone causing me to stop in my tracks it wasn't unusual for someone to panic at the training grounds but this didn't feel like a normal panic it felt as if someone was in danger.
Taking a look around nothing out of the ordinary the first years looked as scared as they do every year, I looked past the specialist and felt the panic coming from the woods.
"Um guys I think someone needs our help" I expressed as I walked towards the woods with Stella and Bloom on my tail.
"Are you sure you weren't just picking something up from one of the first years?" Stella spoke with an annoyed expression planted on her face. Before I could speak there was a blood curtailing scream deeper into the woods I turned around with an 'I told you so' look before turning around I tried to pinpoint where the scream came from feeling the persons panic was a strong enough connection.
"This way!" I yelled running North towards the edge of the barrier breaking through I looked around sensing the persons panic dying down "We need to move fast!" I yelled seeing Bloom and Stella stepping through the barrier before I could turn around I could see Riven and Sky crossing the border as well more people means more of a chance at getting back to Alfea at least there both good specialists. Turning around feeling for any emotion from the person still feeling the slight panic I walked quietly deeper into the woods before seeing a girl leaning against a tree with a pretty deep gash in her side but what really caught my attention was the burned one dead right in front of her. A breath I hadn't realized I was holding escaped my mouth alerting the girl of my presence she quickly scooted herself away shielding herself with her hands that slowly started glowing a blue hue 'so that's how you killed it'.

"Please don't come any closer I'll hurt you" She whispered still scooting herself away from me clutching her side as more blood pooled out of the wound as she moved, scrunching my nose in disgust I nodded my head taking my attention away from the wound looking up to see her eyes a icy blue color mesmerizing really.

"We won't come closer but you need to stop moving or your gonna bleed out" Sky voiced coming next to me, she did as he said and stopped moving away her hands slowly going back to their normal color as they made there way to clutch her side.

"My names Musa were from Alfea can you tell me your name?" I spoke slowly not wanting to scare her off I could still feel the slight panic we were bringing her but tried to push it away, she nodded her head opening her mouth but closing it again her eyebrows rising in one of confusion.

"My names Ember Jane... Where did you say we were?" She questioned looking around for a second before turning her attention back to us.

"Solaria? Where are you from?" I questioned slightly confused if she didn't know about Alfea than she most likely wasn't from here.

"Are you trying to be funny because I am not in the mood for games I just got chased down by a bear or whatever that is" She expressed throwing her hands around as she spoke before her attention turned to the "Bear" in question "I'm from California and that is not a bear...." She spoke quietly still staring at the burned one laying in the leaves before looking at the five of us standing there silently observing her until Bloom took a step forward.

"I'm from California too and I know this is going to be hard for you to hear but your in another Realm called Solaria and we go to Alfea a school for Fairies and Specialist; I saw your hands glow blue you must be a Fairy if you don't mind me asking what is your element where you born with?" Bloom spoke slowly as she walked closer to the girl as she sat there running through the words the red head just said I could quite literally feel her confusion.

"I kind of figured I wasn't human....but my mom and dad don't have magical powers and I guess to answer your question ice is the element I was born with?" She looked up questioning bloom who only smiled walking closer to the girl before sticking her hand out for her to take.

"We can explain everything after we get to Alfea it isn't safe outside the barrier" Bloom spoke as the girl nodded her head taking Blooms hand getting up with a few grunts as she held her still bleeding side. I quickly walked over throwing my arm around her waist to help her walk as best as I could.

"Thank you" She spoke quietly staring at the back of Sky and Riven's head as they lead us back to the barrier with Stella walking behind us.

"Just be glad Musa felt your panic or we wouldn't have known you were out here" Stella spoke after not acknowledging the girls exitance the entire time. She turned slightly looked at Stella confused.

"I'm a mind Fairy; I can feel peoples emotions its not fun most times but it helped to find you" I said as the barrier came into view breathing a breath of relief I turned my attention back to Ember "Bloom here is a fire fairy, Stella behind us is a light fairy and Sky and Riven are specialists" I spoke crossing the barrier into the safety of Alfea.

Ember's POV

So much was told to me in that little amount of time, I felt as if my brain was going to turn into mush with the information I was just told. I could hear Bloom talking next to me but I couldn't make out what she was saying as my legs started to feel heavy and my head started to pound; falling out of the grasps of the two Fairy's I groaned making contact with the grass.

"Are you okay!" I heard a male voice looking up slightly to see a blonde boy hovering over me was this sky or riven I think Musa pointed at the blonde for sky and the brunette to be Riven, I nodded my head which I probably shouldn't have done because my eyes shut closed with the pain shooting through my head before it shot down to the wound on my side.

"I-I'm fine please help me up-" I looked at the blonde trying to remember if he was Riven or Sky going with my gut I muttered out quietly " Sky?" He smiled before he wrapped his arms around my waist and legs picking me up bridal style if I wasn't in the amount of pain I was in I would've laughed.

"I'm glad you didn't call me Riven would've made things slightly awkward" Sky spoke laughing a little causing me to chuckle a little but groan at the effect on my side.

"Hey there's nothing wrong with being me! If you wanted me to pick you up you could've just said so" Riven spoke walking along side Sky I rolled my eyes shaking my head hearing Sky and Riven laugh slightly, I looked behind them to see if the 3 Fairies where still following feels weird to say the word fairies to talk about people but I guess that is my new normal I could see Musa and Bloom talking amongst each other turning to find the other Fairy Stella already staring right at me as if she was trying to create a hole threw my head, I turned around not sure why she was acting as if I stole her boy- oh now I understand Sky must be her boyfriend feeling a slight hint of guilt for making these people come out to find me in the woods and now having another girls boyfriend carry me to wherever they are bringing me I turned my attention in front of me seeing a huge mansion like building this has to be a dream no way this is real I'm going to wake up anytime now I closed my eyes awaiting the inevitable.

"Sky! Who's this?" I heard a male voice much older than Sky and Rivens causing my eyes to open coming face to face with a pair of ocean blue eyes rather close to me. "Take her to the greenhouse Professor Harvey should be in there I'll go retrieve Headmistress Dowling" With that the man walked away in a hurry as did Sky and Riven no doubt taking me to the greenhouse as the man said.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2023 ⏰

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