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!! second person :)

When you had walked up to Yoimiya with Ayaka at your side, causally chatting like close friends, she had nearly lost her mind in shock. Her mouth hung slightly, as you approached. Ayaka held out her hand with a happy beam. "Hi! I'm Ayaka, Y/n's told me all about you!" Yoimiya had looked up at you with a look that screamed thank you, before accepting Ayaka's hand with an equally large beam.

"Hi! I'm Yoimiya, but you can call me Miya. It's so great to meet you, your outfit is so pretty," Yoimiya spoke without a stutter, taking both you and Lumine by surprise.

"Thank you so much!" Ayaka grinned. "Your outfit is great too," She commented slightly quieter. Lumine gave you a look, you returned it before turning to the two girls infront of you.

"We should head to class, we can keep talking as we walk!" You share, guiding the girls away from their staring at one another. Yoimiya nods instantly and goes to walk beside you but it's cut off by Lumine, pretending to engage in a conversation with you.

"Y/n, what did your mom say about the game last night?" You furrowed your brows and looked at Lumine who blinked rapidly at you. Oh. Oh. Okay.

"She said it was good," You turned and started to walk with Lumine while Ayaka and Yoimiya wandered behind also chatting but much quieter. You took this opportunity to lean down slightly to Lumine and whisper. "I see what you did there, nice job,"

Lumine smirked and nodded, offering a side fist bump which you engaged in. "I'm pretty bright aren't I?" You nodded your head with a laugh, tucking your hands into the pocket of your hoodie.

"We'll have to update Aether about this, he's probably wondering what happened." You commented, Lumine shook her head.

"No need, already texted him the deets,"

"Your quick," Lumine shrugged. "Twin shit." She replied calmly.

It wasn't long before you reached your History room. You and Lumine entering first and making your way to the back. Upon sliding next to one another in your seats you spotted Yoimiya and Ayaka deep in conversation, both smiling wide with Yoimiyas cheeks dusted a light pink. Suddenly, Ayaka had pulled out her phone and opened something, handing it to Yoimiya who pulled out her own and looked off of it, typing something into Ayaka's.

"There's no way she got her number," Lumines jaw dropped slightly looking at the scene unfold. You blinked in disbelief. "How is it that the girl who's never had a girlfriend before talks to girls better than you do,"

You shot her a glare. "Shut up, I talk to girls just fine thank you." Lumine raised a brow.

"Oh yeah? How did things go with Eula again?"

You kicked at her. "That was a dare you dunce, and she was nuts by the way! Never go for a drama kid," Lumine snorted and looked back at Ayaka and Yoimiya. Ayaka took her seat while Yoimiya waved bye and walked to the back where you guys were with a somber look.

"Hey gu-"

"How the fuck did you get her number?" Both you and Lumine asked at the same time. Yoimiya flushed and slid into her seat, folding her arms and tucking them into her stomach.

"Shut up please, I think I messed it up,"

Lumine leaned forward. "How?"

Yoimiya shoved her face in her hands and sighed. "She asked if I wanted to hang out and I said 'sure, where should me and the girls meet you' and she looked a little disappointed..."

"Miya please tell me you didn't..."

"I panicked! I can't be alone with her, I kept fumbling my words when we talked," Lumine sighed exaggeratedly and rubbed her head.

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