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"Don't be dead! N-No! We need you!" Cashel screamed as she heard a grenade go off. She rushed over, having heard it come from Ally's direction. "N-No!" She picked up the bloodied shield.

"Agh!" She woke with a start. She looked over to see Ally in the bed next to hers. She stood up and walked into the bathroom. "ugh..." She muttered. She splashed water on her face and opened the door. They were on a plane, one of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s planes, which was huge on the outside, and most of the inside, but the sleeping rooms were small. The rooms were shared with two twin sized beds in each. She remembered on the first night watching Ally's feet dangling off the edge of the bed and falling asleep laughing quietly. Those days were gone and replaced by nightmares.

A war had broken out. All good against all evil. Innocent blood was being spilled every day, but Cashel had the feeling one of the group's would be next.

As she walked through the open door and towards her bed, two strong arms wrapped around her waist, "Another nightmare?"

"Yeah..." Cashel muttered. Ally, the person the arms were attached to, frowned and spun Cashel around to face her. "How can we get rid of them?" Ally questioned, wanting anything other than seeing Cashel so scared.

"End the war."

"Then let's do that."

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