I went on an adventure of a lifetime to Canada with my best friend Cassidy. We thought nothing of it so we went, what a poor mistake. When we finally got there, we went on a tour of the wilderness surrounding the area. "Hello! Everyone welcome welcome! The tour will start shortly so get ready!" The tour guide said with a smile it was such a friendly warm smile you would never think anything wrong with it... We went along stopping at different places and looking at them the families were sure into it but Cassidy was more into it she loved it there. The tour guide noticed that and asked what she thought "Well it was beautiful but very cold" she smiled with pure innocence. The tour guide laughed and nodded "Very cold yes" as the tour went along the tour guide was more and more talking to Cassidy. I didn't think much of it just thought they enjoyed talking to each other, but I was sorely wrong. "Continue your point" Yes as I was saying we got off track and the tour group slowly starts moving away without us. I turn around to see no one and start panicking so I cried to Cassidy "There gone!" she turns and questioned "what?" but before I can say anything I hear the sound of the tour guide "Hello!" he yells "Oh good I noticed you were gone so I went off looking for you" Cassidy just smiles and says, "well good that you found us!" The tour guide smiles back "now come on let me show you where the group went." I thought they just wanted to help but I was very wrong. He "showed us the way" But slowly and slowly led us farther and farther into the forest where no one could hear! Then once we got close to a very rocky creek, he pushed CASSIDY MAYDAY INTO THE WATER! The last thing that she ever said TO YOU OF ALL PEOPLE WAS "this is so pretty thank you for showing me this!" so your honor I didn't kill Cassidy that man right there! I point into the courtroom at a man as the court abruptly bursts into talking "Order in the court! Please stand Mr. John Hike 'the tour guide' after what the defendant said we want your side of the story." asks the judge
That day Cassidy MayDay was finally put to rest.
The case of Cassidy MayDay
Historia CortaThis was a short story don't quite know what it is but its just for fun so enjoy!