A Sweet Old Lady

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After wondering around and asking the locals they finally managed to find out where the elder lives. The door swung open right before they could knock on it.
Inside sat the elderly woman. On the table in front of her sat pre-made tea in a very fancy dragon themed tea set, and on the floor in front of the tea set are two pillows.
"Ah! There you two are. Come. Take a seat." She gestured with a wave of her hand to come over and without any warning they two moved over and sat down. As if their bodies moved on their own.
Tokoyami was the first to notice that but didn't want to say anything just yet. He had other things in mind to ask the woman.
"Did you know we were coming?" Shoji asked her first. The elderly woman lightly chuckled. "Work spreads fast in our little village. Yes. And I figured you'd want to ask about seeing the old castle. Most people who visit tend to want that." She answered. "OH! Please forgive me. Just call me Fran. And who might you lovely young men be?" She asked.
"Shoji." "Tokoyami" they answered back to Fran. She smiled in response. "Strong names for such strong travelers. So, back to the question at hand. No, you may not go to the castle." She basically ripped that bandage off quick.

"We understand that most of the structure might be unstable, but I assure you that we've been through our fair share of far more unstable buildings in our journey-"

"I figured that, young man." She cut Shoji off. "But no one is allowed there. The last time people went inside that place part of the wall crumbled and landed on their leg. Breaking it. So, for the sake of your own safety, that place is off limits. For you and the village." She told them within a sudden demanding tone.
The room went dead silent for a few moments.
"Well," Tokoyami started as he broke that silence. "If we cannot go, would you mind answering any of our questions about it?" That flipped a switch in Frans brain as she quickly reverted back to sweet old lady mode.
"Of course dear." She acknowledged as she poured them tea.
"The woman that showed us the village also informed us about the castle and gave us a small bit of backstory on it. And I was personally wondering if maybe the castle or the royal family were cursed in a way?" He asked as he pulled out a journal.

Fan thought for a moment. "I-I'm afraid whatever the lovely lady told you is all there is to know." She shuddered a bit.
"Are you certain? It would be such a shame to miss out on such interesting history-"
"Ah! I get it now!" Fran raised her tone as she cut Tokoyami off. "I'm guessing cursed royalty is your assignment?" She asked. His eyes widened in shock. "Yes Ma'am." He answered for some reason. He wanted to stay quiet but it was as if his voice has a kind of its own for that slip second.

"You see, I could sense your magical energy. Dark and very mystical. But I think your little friend was the one that gave it away the most." She giggled as she waved her hand up, then down, then pointed at Tokoyami, then up still pointing and Dark Shadow appeared following the pointed finger up. He looked visibly confused.

"H-Hey! What gives?!" He shouted. That's when it finally clicked for the two.
"Pardon my bluntness, but your magic as well?" Tokoyami asked. Fran nodded as she released Dark Shadow from her magical grasp. He quickly scurried back into Tokoyami.
"I'm not that good at it however. Just a few spells I know to help out my village. My father tried to teach me as much as he could before be passed on." She turned her attention back to Tokoyami, or rather the demon in his body.

"You got yourself quite the curse on you there, young man. Such a powerful demon strapped to your heart." She rambled.
His eyes narrow at her words.
"Indeed. And interesting how a beginner such as yourself can so easily manipulate him like you did just now."
Fran smirked at his statement. "A clever insight. You must have learned that from that collage. But demon manipulation isn't that difficult to master. Especially if it's tied down to something, such as your demon is to you. Now if he was out if you completely, that would be a different story!" The laughed at her own joke. Tokoyami piped down and drank his tea, knowing she was right. Shoji quickly drank up his tea. "Well, sense we're on the topic of assignments, would you happen to know where a troublesome beast may be?" He asked Fran only to be met with silence as she basically made him wait until she had slowly finished her cup of tea.
"Not that I am aware of. Sorry, son."

The awkward silence kicked in again. The sound of the old grandfather clock ticking away filled the room. Then Frans sigh cut through that silence.
"Alright. You've convinced me!" The two perked their heads up in confusion. Convinced her? Convinced her of what?
"You may not go into the castle itself. To dangerous. But there is one place there you may go too." She suggested. The two looked at each other still confused. They both nod and decide to just roll with it. "Go on..." Shoji said.

"The one place I know for certain is fully stable is the Castle Courtyard. Not much to do there but it's all I can allow for the time being." Fran clapped her hands and two little girls come by and start packing up the tea. "Yes Fran!" They both say in unison.
"Lovely little girls, aren't they? I'm taking care of them while their parents are out hunting for the week." Fran spoke. Tokoyami quietly put away his journal and thought to himself for a moment. Wondering if he'll ever get his assignment done anytime soon. I mean, cursed Royalty? They couldn't have given him something a bit more simpler?
"But there is someone who may be able to help you with your "cursed Royalty" assignment." Tokoyami brought his attention back up to Fran. It was as if she read his mind!
"You see, we used to have one of the Princesses in our village. Cursed to sleep forever with no way to know how it if she could be woken up. But they volunteered to take care of the body."
Tokoyami's curiosity peaked. "Used too?" He asked. "Yes. Fortunately the princess did wake up."
"Perhaps you know where she might be now?" He asked with hope.
"I'm sorry, son. She left about two years ago. Same time as the mistress of the project fell ill" Tokoyami sighs and rests his shoulders. "That's unfortunate-"
"However," She cuts off again. "She does have a daughter! She lives in her family's cottage in the woods not to far from the village. Once your done with your business in the Courtyard, I suggest you go ask her some questions. She surely should know a thing or two about it all!" She suggested.
Shoji looked down at Tokoyami.
"That could prove useful. What do you say?" Tokoyami thought for a moment then nods in agreement.
"That would be a good start, yes. Would you be able to send someone to let her know we're coming? Or perhaps a letter?"
He asked Fran.
"Why of course dear! And I'm sure she'll be happy for the company. I'll let her know right away." She then clapped her hands and the two girl come back with paper, ink, and a quill.
"Alright, off you pop then!" She said as she snapped her fingers.
And just like before, the two suddenly stood up , bowed in respect and thanks for the tea and time, then began walking to the door.
"Oh! And whatever you do, don't uncover the statue!" She yelled right before the front door closed. The two finally have control of their bodies again and look at each other.

"I have a feeling Miss Fran is a lot more skilled with magic than she is says she is, Hm?" He told Tokoyami, basically waiting for his opinion.
He nods in response. "That was obvious. I couldn't feel her magical aura. So it's either she is able to conceal it or it's so powerful that even I can't sense it right away."

The two head down the road and back too the village and make their way towards the castle.

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