Flashforward 🥵

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After slipping out of the uncomfy footwear, I delicately picked up a glass from one of the spotless cabinets and filled the cup with iced water.

I hear a knock at the door ,I went to go open it and it was Austin "Austin?" I asked why was Austin here and how did he know my address .

"Austin how did you know my address " "I asked Noah" he replied " Austin are you drunk" I asked because all I smelled on his breath was liquor, "no I-I just had a little something to drink" he said while stuttering "Austin lay down" I laid him down on my couch and ran up stairs to get a Blanket,after I thought he was sleep I went back into the kitchen

And when I was on my way to the kitchen I find the cause of the sudden breeze, when a soft hand firmly gripped onto my wrist.

I couldn't deny the way this made me feel, I became suddenly hot despite the declining temperature of the kitchen.

I swiveled around where I was standing to come face-to-face with a tall figure.

The dim moonlight cascaded on their masculine features, highlighting their prominent, chiseled jawline and sharp cheekbones.

Although it seemed impossible for our two bodies to be any closer in proximity, the figure placed a hand on the small of my back and pulled me tightly towards them so that we were touching.

If it wasn't for the slight liquor in my bloodstream, I would have pulled away by now, but I enjoyed the unfamiliar warmth from our body's being so close.

However, up close I could perfectly see who the body belonged to.

"Austin?" I whispered but it came out more like a moan as his slender fingers found their way beneath the thin straps of my dress.

"Fuck. Aaliyah, you're so beautiful." He replied in his deep voice, his eyes searching for any visible emotion on my face. But I wasn't focusing on that, I was focusing on the undeniably strong stench of alcohol that followed his words.

I pulled back slightly disappointed. I thought Austin never drank.

"Austin." I sighed "You're drunk".

"I didn't have much, and why do you care anyway? You stopped talking to me after prom." He stated, his jaw clenching and unclenching at an unhealthy rate.

Why is he saying all of this? He always acted so caught up in his own life that I didn't think he noticed anything that I did in mine.

"I don't like not talking to u ." He brought his hands underneath me and lifted me up effortlessly onto the empty counter.

I remained quiet as I waited for him to continue, my legs reacting into his touch by wrapping themselves around his strong torso.

"I think about you kissing you stopped talking to me and I just can't u you out of my mind ." I gasped because I didn't know what to say.

He took my gasp as an opportunity to smash his lips onto mine. However he stopped himself after a moment, realising that I was not kissing him back... desperation clear in his eyes.

But i couldn't stop myself from what I did next...

                What I had to clarify !!!!

I did get some inspiration from a lot of story's and movies but I went with my own approach like (after)the movie I got my inspiration from there I can insert a clips in the story to show u what clip I'm talk about and there this one story probably my favorite story on here I can tag the user her scenes that she be having is so good I didn't fulling take it I used bits and part but I don't want to get any confusion when ur reading this but yeah @Storiesfromthelads bye enjoy reading this. Also parts 1-6 is really short and I irritated me but I can't change it now

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