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[Alicia's PoV]

After Mom and my sister's little shopping spree, we've decided to pick up some snacks on the way. While mom and my sisters wait on the line, I chose to sit at one of the benches, watching over the shopping bags.

"Dresses... Is this a swimsuit...? *sigh* nevermind." I averted my gaze away from the shopping bag and took out a small notepad I snuck out of the hospital. I've planned to make this my little diary as my study with my disability progresses. This is probably the right moment to make my very first entry.

I basically wrote the doctor's judgement, but slightly altered and mixed with few of my thoughts. As of now, I still don't have a clear path to start my studies so all I wrote was my condition, nothing special. 'All diary should start with this, right?' I hid the diary into a bag and slouched on the bench.

While I was waiting, a man wearing a shady outfit approached.

"Are you lost, young missy?" He asked.

'Shady questions right off the bat! Is this what other people call a predator?' I can't just jump on such conclusions and judge someone by their cover so lets reply like how a 5 year old would normally reply.

"No mister, I am waiting for my Mom and sisters." I replied with a fake smile on the face.

"Would you look at that, never have I predicted that the [Ex-Great Saint] would leave her own child unsupervised." The man whispered under his breath, but thanks to my heightened hearing due to my another set of ears, I was able to make out what he just said.

'And what does he mean when he mentioned the [Ex-Great Saint]? Is he talking about my mother? I'll ask her later, my top priority is to find a way out of this situation somehow!'

It seems that today is my unlucky day as the people decided to stop walking by at this exact moment. I tried to find a way to get away without making him agitated, but the only option left is to call Mother. Just as I was about to call for them, a boy approached me with the most bright smile I've ever seen, as if knowing the situation I am in, he gave me a wink.

"Hey! Didn't know you also come here." He said before sitting beside me and whispering the words 'Play along'.

'This kid is a life saver!' I thought.

"Are the two of you friends?" The man asked. 


"Ho? Interesting. May I ask for your name?- Huh? She's approaching." The man, as if sensing something, suddenly bid his farewell and walked out of our sight, but before he could completely leave, I heard him say something that disturbed me.

"She's here. Get ready to start our plan-B once Plan-A fails."

But before I process that, I turned to the kid and grabbed his hands began shaking it.

"Thank you! Thank you! You're an angel!"

"Y-You're welcome, I'll do anything for lady Alicia."

Realizing that this kid just called me by my name, I stopped shaking his hand and turned my head and instinctively lowered my left ear in confusion.

"Eh? You know me?" I asked while pointing to myself.

"I do! Actually, I see you everyday. My dad works as a driver for Mr. Aki. You might've not noticed me before because you always stays inside the mansion."

Now thinking about what the kid said, I do remember father's personal driver, Mr. Elbiters. From what I've heard, he came from a country on the far west. He migrated here along with his wife and had a child here.

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