The Clueless

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Mona had teleported both of them to her house with ease. She almost took joy in how Scaramouches neutral face looks so bewildered for a few seconds before reverting back to the newfound calm expression he has had since that device had hit him with that strange beam of light. She looked proud of herself for possibly impressing him even though she couldn't know if he was since he hasn't said anything. But now it was her turn to be bewildered as a Fauti harbinger had suddenly bowed to her. She realized he was from Inazuma but didn't expect this version of the Scaramouche she knows to actually bow to her in what seems like... gratitude? Her ego inflated almost instantly to see this man who she hates bow to her in such a polite manner. All of a sudden he stops bowing and looks up at her putting a hand to his chest and opening his mouth to say something but he suddenly stops and looks behind her. His curiosity seemed to get the better of him as he walks past her. Mona was disappointed that she wasn't able to hear what he was gonna say not that she'd ever admit it. She turned around in annoyance about to ask him what he was gonna say when she stops dead in her tracks. He was staring at her sky light looking up at the stars with parted lips and a sea of stars reflected in his eyes as his face was gracefully illuminated by the moonlight. He almost looked too perfect 'like a beautiful doll..' she thought staring at him. Trust her never in her life did she imagine she'd be calling that scumbag beautiful but it just felt so right to do so in that moment. She slowly walked closer to him almost on autopilot. She only realized she was doing so when he noticed her and she abruptly halted her movements. He looked at her with a small smile and put his hand on his chest again about to say something but this time he actually spoke " こんにちは私の名前は国鶴です." He said a smile gracing his face as her face dropped. She didn't know how to speak the Inazuman language but she could make out a word that kinda sounded like a Inazuman name. Kunikuzushi..? 'is that his real name?' She thought eyes widened at the realization that this clueless version of him had given away his actual name. She would have laughed and rubbed it in his face but she didn't have the heart to do so as he looked at her with genuine innocence gleaming in his blue and purple eyes. He looked at her expectantly like he was waiting for something....Was he waiting for her name? They had already met? Did he really forget her? She decided not to dwell on that as he was waiting for her to respond. " M-My name is Mona nice to meet you." 'Again..' she thought bitterly as she stuck out her hand. Kunikuzushi seemed to process this info slowly as he looked at her in confusion for a few seconds before a lightbulb light up in his head. "Mona." He said while reaching his hand out to grab hers. His calm expression now had a big smile. He was so adorable in his excitement that he figured out her name it physically made her ill to watch. She realized they were now basically holding hands but she seemed to be the only one who noticed. As his expression had now reverted back to a slight smile. Her face started turning a slight pink at his cluelessness it was almost...cute. Wait what is she thinking? Thinking this evil Fauti bastard was cute? She shouldn't. She couldn't think that. It almost seemed as if it wasn't even him a like he was a whole different person and once she fixed whatever happened to him he'll be back to his good old bastard self. She was broken out of her thoughts as she felt him intertwine their fingers he was back to looking at her with a blank expression while he stared at her. The shock of him intertwining their fingers had her almost still with her thoughts racing a million miles per second but that all stopped when she finally looked away from we're their fingers intertwined back to him. He was pointing to the skylight then her. She looked very confused and he seemed to notice this as he stopped pointing and tugged on her hand pulling her toward him and in one swift motion she was being carried bridal style again. She wasn't as shocked this time but still very confused. "What are you doing you idiot?" She yelped in surprise. He was looking in each of her rooms for something which made her very nervous but when he got to the top floor he found her bedroom.
He paused for a moment and looked at her for approval. She nodded slowly still not quite knowing his intentions and he brought her to her bed and placed her down gently. This is when she realized in a bewildered thought 'He was..telling me to sleep?' He took off her hat and placed it on her dresser before untying her hair for her it was surprisingly gentle and relaxing. He rummaged through her drawers and she was too busy with her thoughts to stop him when she looked at him he was holding a folded nightgown out to her. When she grabbed it he nodded and left the room. She changed into her nightgown and was silently grateful for this strange version of her enemy. He was very...attentive. She heard a knock on her bedroom door before it opened. It looked like he had been waiting outside her room for her to finish changing into her nightgown. As she looked at him she silently wondered if she should really try to reverse whatever the device did to him. She liked him like this, almost like a maid. It was a sort of twisted payback she took great joy out of. She noticed He grabbed her hand again gently and was now leading her to the bed. He stopped in front of it and let go of her hand before his hand pointed to the bed. She got in the bed and he started tucking her in for bed as if she were a child. She probably didn't mind as much as she should have but she never had anyone tuck her in even when she had been a child. It made her Which was dumb to feel in the presence of a harbinger. She must be delusional there's no way this foul man has any good intentions with her. He was evil! A heartless bastard who cares about no on- Her brain suddenly short circuited as she felt the softest lips she'd ever felt on her forehead. She stared at him while her face starts to look like a tomato. He smiled gently at her before gracefully resting on the side of her bed closing his eyes and relaxing his body. Mona on the other hand was wide awake and tense with a stomach full of butterflies. She try's to calm down but when she looks at him the light from her window had illuminated him in such                                        a beautiful way he almost didn't look human
Like he was a god

 She try's to calm down but when she looks at him the light from her window had illuminated him in such                                        a beautiful way he almost didn't look humanLike he was a god

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2022 ⏰

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