Albert Wesker

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I haven't seen any good ones of this man that doesn't end in with Y/n sleeping with him so have my own version of this.  Also this does not follow the storyline of any of the games.

Y/n's POV
I tried my best not to make any noise as the zombie creatures wandered about in an attempt to find me. I held my breathe and readied my gun knowing they'll find me soon enough. I heard one approaching and waited as it rounded near the counter where I was hiding.


It was so close by, it stopped almost as if it was trying to sniff me out.


I pointed my gun where it would show it's distorted face.


I saw it's leg and swiftly kicked it forcing it on the ground. I pointed my gun and stared at the poor things blood shot eyes before pulling the trigger. Blood splattered on me but the thing I care was getting back in touch with my team and escaping this hellhole.

I got up from my place and made a run for it as the rest of the horde ran after me. I kept running and hearing them gaining on me. Come on! Move those legs of yours faster!

Turn left (Y/n)

I took a sharp turn to the left hallway and kept running hearing the zombies crash and trip over each other. Good call I suppose. Dunno who the hell said that but I should thank them.

I was ripped from my thoughts when I felt a pair of strong arms grab me and pull me into a room. The door didn't close but the unknown person held a gloved hand over my mouth and his free hand rested on my waist.

I would have sucker punched the fucker but I figured it be best to not get us both killed. I watched as the zombies ran right past us and continued moving forward. I waited till I couldn't hear them anymore to raise my gun up to the stranger who still held on to me.

" Is this how you greet an old friend,(Y/n)?"

My blood ran cold when I heard the voice. My eyes widened as he pushed the gun away from him. I slowly looked back to face my "savior". Albert Wesker. My former captain.

" It's been a while. Captain." I glared at the man infront of me. He dares show his face to me after what he's done? I would much rather be zombie food then be here with this asshole.

Leave! Get out of there! Dangers coming! Leave!

That voice screams and I would have moved if it weren't for the wall to come crushing down to reveal a multi mutated monster. It was highly disturbing to look at. It was tall and big with only one eye working. (( Think of a bloater from The Last of Us or something idk))

Immediately I grabbed Wesker's arm and dragged us both behind the door and slammed it shut. I ran off in the opposite direction where the horde of zombies went. 

I covered my head as the beast rammed through the wall once again and bolted for us. I rounded the corner and through a sticky bomb on the front of the beast. I kept moving forward hearing the bomb go off effectively hurting and slowing the mutant down.

Right. To the right!

Again I followed the voices instructions making sure the grab Wesker's wrist so he follows along. Why am I helping this fucker in the first place? I should trip him and let him become that things next meal!


The fuck not?

Left room.

Swiftly I opened tried to open the door with no lock. Not planning on waiting I kicked the door open and went inside with Wesker following and closing the door. I looked over to my left to see a huge wardrobe and immediately began to move it towards the door. After that I slid down the wall next to the door trying to recapture my breath.

" Quick thinker. As always." Wesker said folding his arms and looking down at me. This bitch isn't even breaking a sweat nor is he out of breath! How!? I shrugged and looked away.

" Why are you here exactly? And why did you save me?" I didn't look at him knowing it would be even harder to restrain myself from punching him.

" There's something I need to get. And would you prefer if I just left you to die?"

" Yeah, pretty much." I deadpanned.

" Your as lovely as I remember." He muttered under his breath looking away from me.

" So glad you think of me, I haven't given a single shit about you since Raccoon City." I felt the irk mark appear on my forehead.

Be nice.


" Should have known this wouldn't be easy." I gave him a confused look." How's your arm holding up? The virus must be hard to control."

Silence. Nothing came out of my mouth as those words left his. For once I was speechless. I chuckled and shook my head.

" How long have you known?"

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