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May, 1992


Y/n Marie-Jones, is a teenage girl who recently moved from Sydney, Australia to Medford, Texas in the USA. 

She moved here with her parents. Her father Keith Jones and her mother, Fiona Marie. They had recently moved to Texas because her mother can get a higher paying job in America, as she is a very strict lawyer and they wanted better University opportunities for y/n. Y/n's dad also purchased a tire shop in Texas and was obviously now the owner. He owned one back in Sydney but it had to be sold when they moved.

Y/n had recently turned 17, about a week ago and was set to start her senior year of high school in September. 

They had been living in Medford for around 2 months now, enough time so most people in the town knew who they were. They were "those folks who moved from down under."

Back in Sydney y/n was a Irish dancer. A very good Irish dancer. She had competed and won many first places. Her parents had basically planned out her future. She would be a professional Irish dancer and go to Worlds and win, travel the world then get married and settle down and have kids by the time she is 30.

She was their 'perfect' daughter. Straight A student, very pretty and polite. Her parents assumed she respected their values and they were happy with her. They had saved a college fund for her, which y/n had access too.

Y/n's relationship with her mother was strained. They just didn't get along. Most of the time anyway. Fiona pushed y/n to do her best and created harsh punishments when she didn't win that dancing competition or get the highest grade in the class, etc.

Y/n basically looks like a younger version of her mother. They had the same hair colour, skin colour, were close in height and had the same face shape.

Y/n's relationship with her father was fine, they just didn't talk much. But he did love his daughter very much.

Though Fiona and y/n have their disagreements, Fiona knew she didn't want to have any other children as she wanted to have one 'perfect child'. And she thought she did, but on the inside y/n was screaming.

It was currently hot outside and y/n was in a white tank top and a blue denim skirt as she sorted her stuff for storage.

"Are you kidding me?" Y/n heard her father yell angry from the other room.

She followed to go see what's wrong and saw her father in the laundry room trying to fix the clothes washing machine.

Y/n scoffed and laughed. "I guess buying a used washer from a sketchy guy in a alley wasn't the best choice." She said.

"Funny." Her father scoffed.

"I told you to buy a new one!" Fiona yelled from the kitchen.

Y/n and Keith Ignored her.

"So has it cooked itself? Because I have clothes I need to wash." Y/n said, she had about a mountain of dirty clothes in her room.

"I'll try and at least fix it temporarily while we search for a good new one, but you're better off going to the laundromat." Keith said.

Y/n didn't say anything except huff and walk back to her room.

She collected her laundry and checked the yellow pages for a laundromat. She decided to go to the closest one.

It was called 'Medford Wash' and she drove her dads car their since she hadn't bought one herself yet. She had her license (not an American one yet) but not a car. She had saved up and had gotten a job at a local restaurant so she did have some money.

Y/n took her basket of dirty clothing Into the shop and found an unoccupied washer. She wasn't quite sure how to work this model and seemed to be struggling quite a bit.

"Seriously?" Y/n complained as now the washer was jammed.

"Need a hand?"

Y/n turned and saw a boy who looked to be her age. She had to admit he was quite good looking and wore a friendly smile. He must have worked here.

"The machine is stuck." She sighed.

"That tends to happen with number five," the guy said in his strong Texan accent. "Sometimes we need to give her a good..."

He moved and shook the washer roughly.

"There we go." He smiled at her.

"I should have guessed." Y/n chuckled.

"I ain't seen you in here before." He said as it was a small town.

"I just moved here from Australia," y/n explained.

"That's why you have an interesting accent."

"I can say the same for you." Y/n smirked and he laughed.

"What brings you to Texas?" He went onto ask.

Y/n sighed. "My mothers work, but I think they were just trying to get away from my grandparents to be honest." She said.

"Oh, well welcome to Medford," he said. "I'm Georgie."

"Y/n." She smiled again and shook his hand. She actually kinda liked him.

More then kinda actually.

She quickly realised why she came here and turned back to the washer.

"And now that we're on a first name basis I'm gonna throw my underwear in here." She said and gestured to the machine.

"And since I'm a gentleman, I ain't gonna look." Georgie said and turned away.

Y/n began putting her underwear, bras and her other clothes in the washer and did see George looking.

"You're peeking." She called him out.

"I know." Georgie turned to look at her then walked away.

Y/n rolled her eyes but still with a smile on her face as she continued putting her clothes in the washer.

Authors Note
First chapter! Also let me know if any Georgie x reader fics you know cause I can't find any!!!

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