Chapter one "ordered the wrong ass hotel"

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So some goofy ass ppl ordered a hotel which has no ppl and reviews shit the people's name are Aizen,Malak,Ray(they/them) Nicole,Maya, April, snappy,bingus,minions cake and one more (enterance coming later) so these mfs doing the elevator talking about what are balls made off,the ppl then went out of elevator and there was no reception so auntie said "mf wtf where is the fucking reception man" then Maya said "probs in backrooms" then snappy got the key opening the door (I'll skip to door 10 cus yh) then the lights flickered, there were closets as snappy told everyone to hide, Aizen couldn't get their hand-wrist in getting stuck so Rush just ripped it off, Aizen fucking fell out when rush was gone then malak bandaged Aizen,others followed snappy it was door 17,someone fell through roof,their name was Jeremy aka Yara,Yara sweared so much she fucking hit the floor with her fist,everyone was concerned then managed to go on,the lights flickered but some goofy ass eyes appeared,then some doors passed by and then there was this long ass hallway then they walked but stopped cus there was this ghost stopping them,all of them turned around and the almighty seek just got out off a puddle,April died on rush already,and snappy slipped dying on seek cus the floor was slippery and his Jordans couldn't make it, two people died then all of them went on,now they got figure aka the main idiot of the game or whatever,all of them did figure but auntie fucking died cus she got the exit door closed on her,then as they went on,Liz died on ambush with ray,then halt encountered and Maya died on him. Aizen, Yara and malak were the last all of them fucking said "fuck this hotel ass fucking shit we shouldn't order a hotel this shit was intense" then Aizen said "he took my fucking hand" Yara and malak were camping at the elevator,meanwhile Aizen Speedruned the box shit then the elevator activated Aizen fucking ran like a track star then everyone was in except the mfs who died,figure chased like crazy got on the elevator roof but he slipped gravity fr said "ok I pull up". Then done story ended aughhh btw i clenched my ass cheeks

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2022 ⏰

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