Chapter 1

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"Ah! I'm going to be late for my first official day of school!" I yelled to no one, jumping up from my bed, packing my books in my bag and refreshing myself for school before grabbing my bag and going out of my room.

Practically bursting through the front door saying goodbye to my father, only not before getting scolded for skipping breakfast.

"Have a good day, Belle! Make sure to eat!"

My father, Maurice. A man with quite elegance, his pale white hair and beard falls in his face as he yells at me before I disappear around the corner. 

Running down the street, adrenaline rushing through my veins, making me feel lighter. My body only starts to feel heavy when I stop in front of my unusually large school.

I steady the breathing, and start walking through the door towards my locker. Trying not to waste time, I put in my combination, put my bag in the locker and grabbed the books I needed for class.

I walk down the hall towards my homeroom. I see someone freeze, and put their head in their locker when I come in their range of sight, though I don't slow down.

Still walking I look back to see a boy with blonde hair and brown highlights close their locker and start going the other way. I see that he has glasses and curly hair that almost covers his glasses.

"I wonder why that is?" I mutter under my breath,

turning back around and spotting my classroom. I opened the door, all eyes going to me. I sigh, walking toward my desk.

"Why are you late Belle?"

My teacher, Monsieur D'Arque, a heavily aged man with no hair and a gray beard says not looking up from the book on his desk.

"I'm sorry Mr.D'Arque. I woke up late and had to run to school. My apologies." I said standing in front of my assigned seat.

"It's alright just don't let it happen again. Now sit down." He says in a slightly menacing voice. I sit down quickly ignoring the snickers in the back of the class.

Guess I better get this day over with so I can go to the library, I thought, opening my text book.

As soon as Mr.Darque starts class, it finishes without him ending the lesson. Everyone gets up and basically runs out the door, trying to get to their next class or either skip the rest of school. I get up slowly, grabbing all my materials and making my way to the door.

"Belle" Mr.D'Arque states, erasing the board.

"Yes, Mr.Darque? Do you need something?" I answer as I turn toward him.

"Your good kid, stay that way please. Don't become like these other kids. Okay?" He says finally making eye contact with me.

I nod, not knowing what to say.

"You are excused Belle." I nod and walk out of the classroom.

Today's going to be a rough day. I can already tell, I thought, making my way towards my next class.


"Leave me alone, Gaston. I already told you, no I am not going to date you." I say to the boy on his knees next to my desk with wavy black hair and nicely shaped biceps, although, not my type.

Groaning at the mere thought of dating someone like him. Gaston is basically a wannabe playboy who asks at least 3 girls out a year, whom he gets rejected.

"But why Belle!? You know you're the only one for me! Just let me take you out on a date then you'll surely fall for me!"

I roll my eyes at his remark.

"Just go away, Gaston. This is exactly why you have no date. You get on your knees and beg for girls, It doesn't work that way."

"But Belle-'' Why does he keep trying it's not going to happen.

"No buts, Go away." I say, moving my hand in a swatting motion.

He gets up and goes over to his friend, or so-called friend, LeFou, an incredibly short man who follows Gaston all day, everyday until they go home. He probably follows Gaston home too.

When class starts all my mind goes to is that boy I saw in the hallway. Many questions flood my mind as I stare out the window not paying attention to anything the teacher is saying. Not that she would care anyway. The bell rings, which startles me but I pack up my things and rush out the door not wanting to stay in the class any longer.

After getting things out of my locker for my next class, I make my way towards my favorite class of the day, English Language Arts. I walk into the classroom to see Mrs.Potts and a few other students sitting at desks.

"Good Morning Mrs.Potts" I say with a gentle smile.

She looks towards me and smiles,"Belle, Good Morning. How are you?"

Making my way over to my desk looking at her waiting figure, I say,

"I am doing good, Mrs.Potts. I was wondering if you are, So are you doing good?" I say, sitting down with a ghost of a smile on my face.

"I'm doing quite wonderful, dear." I nod and open my text book.

I wouldn't dare daydream in this class because it's my favorite class. I want to have the best grade in this class. Though I have good grades in all my classes, I want to do my best in this class.

"Alright class. Today I am introducing a new unit, which means we have a new project!"

Many groans come from the back of the class as soon as a new project is mentioned.

"It's alright, This time you're going to have partners. And I'm going to choose them."

More groans erupted from the back again.

Mrs.Potts starts naming people and there are alot of groans and excitement.

"And the last two, Belle and Lumiere. You all can get with your partners and start on them for the last 20 minutes of class.

I look around wondering 'who is Lumiere?' Squinting, trying to find a person who doesn't have a partner, I spot one person, a boy with dirty blond hair and a square pale face, looking around for their partner. That must be him. I thought to myself.

I walk towards the person I spotted almost tripping over the hordes of people. I stand in front of his desk,

"Hello, my name is Belle, Are you Lumiere?" I ask

He looks up at me staring, possibly studying me.

"Yes, I am him! Let's get this project started, sit!"

I smile, sitting down at the empty desk next to him as we exchange numbers. Alright this is a start. I thought Knowing this class is going to be a bit more fun than usual Even though it's my favorite class.

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