Chapter ten: dethroned

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CAROLINE LAUGHS AS we both sing the song that's playing on the radio as we drive back to New Orleans

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CAROLINE LAUGHS AS we both sing the song that's playing on the radio as we drive back to New Orleans. It was amazing in mystic falls getting to see my bestfriend again was great aswell as Stefan

"Oh, bekahs calling me" I say and I turn down the music before I answer the call

"Hey bekah, everything okay?" I ask and I hear yelling in the background

"Where are you?!" Rebekah asks on the other end off the phone frantic

"Jusy coming past the welcome sigh. Why is everything okay?" I ask now worried for why she sounds nervous and worried

"Marcel is trying to imprison klaus, Mazikeen" rebekah says and my eyes widen in shock

I hang up the phone and go straight to the compound

"Mazikeen! The speed limits 30! Not 55!" Caroline yells wide eyes seeing how fast I'm going

"Shut it" I say. Just the day u get back I need to get klaus out off trouble even though its barley his fault

God when I see marcel I'm going to kill him

In mystic falls I stayed at lizs house with Caroline and had a blast. We hanged out with damon and stefan even if we did dump into my dear sister elena

Damon also introduced me to one off his old friends named lorenzo St.Jhon but he perfers begin called Enzo and he'd great and we became fast friends when we met. Liz was happy finding out that she would be a grandmother since she's like my second mother

Damon of course bragged out being my daughters godfather became why wouldn't he it wouldn't be damon of he didn't

"Maze the breaks!" Caroline says as I jump out off the car and storm my way inside the compound

When I get inside I see klaus bounded by chains and Marcel holding rebekah back as she trys to help her brother

"ENOUGH!" I yell at the top off my lungs and everyone freezes hearing my voice

"Mazikeen?" Marcel asks confused and I turn to glare at him and i see fear flicker in his eyes

I look over at klaus as I step closer to Marcel with a glare on my face

A vampire speed in front off Me and I roll my heads tilting my head and there neck snaps as they fall to the ground

Another came after me but with one look he went flying against all the walls in the compound and then falls to the ground with a Broken back and neck

"Anyone else wanna try me?" I ask with a tilt off my head and I see the fear and shock in there eyes

"That's what I thought. Now let him go or the next death won't be so...temporary. maybe end with a heart or head in my hands" I tell them and I watch as they let klaus go

"What the hell do you think you where doing?! You fucking asshole off a coward!" I yell looking at Marcel and taking a step towards him and he backs up

"I was making sure he never destroyed what I built. This is my city!" Marcel says and I scoff at him lifting my hand and slaping him hard

"That's for breaking my bestfriend/sisters heart!" I say and slap him again

"That's for locking davina in a fucking attic like some slave!" I seethe glaring at him and raise my hand to slap him again

"And that's for you hurting klaus and trying to imprison him!" I yell with a glare and he gulps wide eye

I grab him by the shirt and pull him to my hight

"You dare hurt him again Marcellus I will give you a painfull death and kill everyone you ever loved in your missarbale existence on this earth. I'm not one to mess with and differently not when it comes to my family!"

"I have monsters running and hidding from me! And I'm fucking starving at nineteen weeks pregnant! Do. Not Test. Me!" I seethe and Marcel nods and i smile letting him go and patting his cheek

"Good boy. Now make sure your vamps get away from me and klaus before I kill every single one off them painfully and slowly" I say and he chuckles nervously as he nods

"Now is there anything you'd like to say to klaus or should I just break all your bones?" I ask crsossing my arms over my chest

I raise my eyebrow and all the vampires start to sceam in pain as all there bones being to break

"Oh, that looks painful doenst it? I can't wait till there spins break that's tye most painful your highness" I say mockingly with a smirk as Marcel looks around

"I hereby pledge my allegiance to you. You have the keys to my kingdom. Iys yours" Marcel tells klaus and he smiles gleefully

"Oh wipe that smirk off your face" I tell him with a glare and his smirk drops instantly

"What where you thinking!? Entering a war on your own! And not even telling me!" I yell and klaus looks slightly nervous with a sheepish smile

"Well, you see love..." klaus trys to talk but I glare at him

"Shush I'm taking" I say and he nods closing him mouth

Marcel looks dumbfounded seeing klaus mikaelsons listing to someone and looks scared for himself! Hell must off frozen over for that to happen. Marcel thought

"Shoulder massage. Chessy fries. Gumbo. Foot massage. And your watching all the Harry Potter movies with me" I say with my arms crossed and he nods slowly

"Good, oh and you can do the diaper changes for a month" I say and he was about to propost but from a glare he snaps his mouth shut and nods

"Great. Now let's go, and Marcel have all this cleaned up and new sheets for when we get back" I tell him and Marcel nods

"Come on now I'm starving!" I say as I walk out with klaus following after me

"What the fuck was that?" A vampire asks and Marcel shurgs became he has no idea


Protective Mazikeen! How sad that klaus got told offQuite funny though 

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Protective Mazikeen!
How sad that klaus got told off
Quite funny though 

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