Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

It had only been a few weeks since Hannah had been saved, Jessy was still reeling from what Richy had done. He was taken away by the police too get questioned, Lilly had told Hannah who Jake was she seemed too take the news okay but she was hiding a deep dark secret. MC and Jake had met for the first time the moment their eyes met they fell in love. Hannah could see how close MC and Jake where getting, her anger started too show.

Hannah: get away from him!!
MC: Hannah what's wrong?
Hannah: get away from Jake right now
Jake: what's got into you?
Hannah: Jake, listen Lilly told me who you are but I won't let it get in the way of our love. I know you feel it too after all that time sending messages too each other
Jake: Hannah you are my sister
Hannah: it's only half brother and sister we can make this work
Cleo: Hannah are you out of your mind? He's your brother!!
MC: Cleo's right, he's not going too have a relationship with you!!
Hannah: just you wait, he doesn't really love you MC, I'm the one he truly loves

All 3 of them just looked on in shock as Hannah walked away, hand in hand with Thomas. He hadn't heard what Hannah said as he was talking with the police. Jake took hold of MCs hand and walked towards the car. Cleo told MC she would message her tomorrow and she would see if she could talk some sense into her best friend.

Jake drove too the motel he was staying in across the street was the Chinese takeout he had told MC about, MC stood leaning against the car deep in thought.

Jake: what's wrong MC?
MC: it's just everything that happened, the way Hannah reacted, everything that Richy did.
Jake: let's not think about it now, I want too take you out on that date I promised
MC: your right, we can worry about all that tomorrow

Jake leaned in and kissed MC softly on the lips, her body felt the electric running through her as Jake kissed her. MC wrapped her arms around the hacker looking deep into his bright blue eyes. Jake took MCs hand walking across the street too the Chinese takeout.

When Cleo got home she pulled out her phone and sent Hannah a message.

Cleo: hi Hannah, I know the past couple weeks have been hard but what you said before about Jake. You know it can never happen right?

Hannah: hey Cleo, I know it can never happen I guess I was just letting my emotions run away with themselves. I will apologies too Jake in the morning

Cleo: it's okay after what you have been through he will understand for sure, talk too you soon xx

MC: thank you for a lovely evening Jake
Jake: your welcome MC
MC: what is it Jake?
Jake: I know it's dangerous but...
MC: you don't want me too leave?
Jake: I want you too stay with me
MC: Jake, I'm yours forever

They both shared another kiss before heading back too Jake's motel room, the next morning Jake woke up lay next too MC. For the first time in a very long time Jake had actually slept, he just lay looking at MC sleeping. While he lay watching MC his phone buzzed he picked it up too see who it was.

Hannah: good morning my handsome hacker I had a dream about you last night, it was magical. We had out very first date you took me too an amazing restaurant, we had amazing food and wine. Afterwards you took me too a hotel and let's just say you rocked my world 3 times. Love you always my handsome hacker xxxxx

Jake just sat there in complete shock at what Hannah had sent him, he started too feel sick. MC started too wake up putting her arms around Jake as she sat up she saw the concerned look on his face.

MC: what's wrong Jake? You don't look too good
Jake: it's Hannah she sent me a text and it's really disturbing
MC: let me take a look

Jake handed his phone too MC so she could read the text, the look on her face said it all.

Jake: I told you it was disturbing
MC: what is wrong with her? I just don't get it
Jake: I want you too know I never encouraged her
MC: I know Jake, it's okay you don't have too prove anything too me
Jake: for the first time I don't know what too do
MC: it's okay Jake, I'll send a message too Cleo and see if she can help.

Jake kissed MC softly and went too make some coffee, MC picked her phone up and sent a message too Cleo.

MC: Morning Cleo, did you happen too talk too Hannah last night?

Cleo: Morning MC, yeah I text with her she actually apologied for how she acted. She told me she would text Jake too say sorry.

MC: yeah she sent him a text all right check out what she said: Hannah: good morning my handsome man I had a dream about you last night, it was magical. We had out very first date you took me too an amazing restaurant, we had amazing food and wine. Afterwards you took me too a hotel and let's just say you rocked my world 3 times. Love you always my handsome hacker xxxxx

Cleo: OMG!! I can't believe she did this after what she said, is Jake doing okay?

MC: yes and no, he just doesn't know what too do he cares for Hannah sure but not in the way she wants.

Cleo: I understand that, let me try and come up with something I will text you later

MC: okay talk later
MC put her phone down and went over too Jake who was lost in his thoughts, she wrapped her arms around his waist holding him close. Jake tried too distract himself with work while MC went too get some supplies. While MC was out Jake's phone buzzed again at first he wasn't going too look but he forced himself too look. He picked up the phone and breathed a sigh of relief.

MC: hey :) I will be back in 5 minutes love you

Jake: hi ;) can't wait too hold you in my arms I've missed you, I love you too

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