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Erosia | 2014

"If you want to make it out of here alive you have to go now!" I watch carefully as blood drops down the side of my brother's body.

"I'm not leaving you like this Ben!" I choke out a sob as I press down on his wound.

"If you don't leave now Strucker will take yours too!" He hisses as another wave of pain hits his fragile body.

"You're all I have now." The memories flash through my mind making me shut my eyes tightly. "T-They're gone." More tears fall from my eyes. "I-I can get us both out of here. Just let me try to save you."

He grips my hand tightly. "You're weak, Rose. You can only handle yourself."

"But I can at least try."

"Don't you get it?! I still have my tracker in! They'll find us. They'll always find us. You have a chance out there." He examines the sparks flying around my hands then his now useless ones. "I have nothing to give this world."

"Ben please. I need you." I sob.

He cups my face making me look into his eyes. "I will always be with you." Tears slide down his cheeks, he quickly wipes them off. "Now you have to go." Some more footsteps can be heard down the dark hallway. I violently shake my head. "I love you, Rosie." He whispers.

"I love you too."I continue to cry and whimper. "I'll come back for you. I will find a way."

He nods. "I believe in you. Now go before they get you."

I nod and quickly stand before I give myself a chance to change my mind. When I'm about to teleport out of here that's when I hear it. The explosion and a cry from my brother.

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