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Espresso: about to smack him Madeline* while Eclair holds him back


#4 Royal AU (D.E) is Velvet's and Expresso's adoptive mother and Latte is Expresso's cousin 

Expresso: bitchy spoiled, nerdy and calculated, but protects his brother

Red velvet: brother who's just here for the ride

Madeline: meets Espresso and falls in love with him upon meeting. With many trials and tribulations the dumbasses finally get together. When they grow older they visit a new kingdom: Eclair introduces himself to Espresso and Madeline after almost knocking Espresso over, Espresso uses his magic to keep himself from falling and Eclair is amazed saying things like, "OMG you guys are SOOO amazing!!! Your magic is SO cool, and oh YOU (directed towards Madeline) the way you wield your sword! Quite IMPRESSIVE!!! I would've taken sword training classes but I'm not all that rich y'know so hahahaha" rambling noises*

Eclair notices Red Velvet and talks to him about how cool his arm is as well as 

Love languages 

Espresso: gifting, and presence

Madeline: touch, presence and praise

Eclair: quality time, touch


Actually written before Disney event

Expresso: takes Eclair and Madeline to Disney world

Madeline: hardcore Disney fan, like a child

Eclair: has never been but is amazed anyways

Espresso: hates Disney but wanted to show love for once



Eclair: Eats oatmeal

Espresso: We're all going to die

Madeline: Eclair it's okay to have emotions


Espresso: goes to sleep


Eclair: No I drugged him just like when *insert history story*

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2022 ⏰

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