~~How Could He!

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Jess's POV

I woke up to a sexy sleeping Justin Bieber. It was 6:00 and we had school. I spent the night at Justin's house because me and my parents were not doing so well. before getting to school Justin pulled into Tim Hortons.

~skip till they get to school~

we pulled into the senior spot he went to his locker and I went to mine as I was putting my books in my locker I could feel someone from behind me covering my eyes with their hands
"guess who"
I chuckled a little cuz I knew it was Justin.
"uhhhh....... Justin? I said in a curious voice but I obviously knew who it was I was just messing around with him.
"so, babe there's going to be a party tonight do you
wanna go"
"yea sure"
of course me and Justin were late again for mrs Brawnwicks class
"care to explain why both of you are are late?" she said very sternly.
"we got stuck in traffic sorry it won't happen again" Justin replied.
we were now home and I was getting ready for the party when I herd a knock on my door. I opened it to see Justin looking hott as fuck. he looked so good in a white v neck and leather jacket.
"what r u doing here so early" I asked with a huge smile on my face.
"I wanted to spend some time with my baby" he replied when he said that I instantly got butterfly's in my stomach.

We finally arrived at the party. Justin was beyond drunk I didn't drink that much I only had like 2 beer and 2 shots. to be honest I am not that much of a drinker like my mom was my mom, my mom used to be an alcoholic but that's a whole mother story. I was talking with my friends and I turned my head to see Justin.
I broke down in tears and dropped to my knees there was so much emotion going through head right now I honestly didn't know what to feel.
I saw him sticking his tongue down. his ex girlfriend Nichole throat, she was the biggest slut in the whole school. one time she was talking shit about me and my best friend kayla. lets just say she never talked about us again.

I was so upset so I called the only person I could trust right now since me and my parents were still fighting I didn't feel like speaking to them at all they were the least of my worries right now.
I dialed Kay's number on my phone.
(~ Kayla)(•jess)

•h-h-hey I tried catching my breath to talk I just couldn't I was crying so much•
~OMG jess what's wrong~
she stopped me in mid sentence.
~NO he didn't, I am going to KICK HIS ASS!!???! N
Nobody messes with my best friend, jess I'm on my way~

Kay finally showed up I quickly jumped into her car not telling Justin I was leaving.
hey guys from now on I am going to do secrete chapters like I will do Justin's POV 1 chapter and then Jess's POV another chapter and I am thinking about making the chapters longer what do u all think!

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