Earth Skills

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Raven was rash. Her dark skin and brown hair paired with an overwhelming urge to put everyone in their place. Raven saw the Earth for what it was, a home to your undeniable destiny. There was no joy. Santa Clause isn't real and her Mom loved methamphetamines more than her. Raven was 7.
Raven was bored. Nothing on this Earth could invigorate her like the inaccessible world of outer space. School made her suicidal. Her teachers thought they were right, but Raven knew they were wrong. Correcting them would do no good. No one believed her, not at school or at the police station. Raven was 11.
Raven was bubbling. Camp made her feel like she wasn't alone in her mind. No one understood her quite like her camp best friend. Raven felt awkward around her, her skin felt warm and her insides felt warmer. Raven was 13.
Raven was angry. Her kit complete but the police disagreed. She was red hot, fire coming out of her eyes. Raven would handle it herself, no one was on her side. Raven was 16.
Raven was scared. The sounds of gunfire ricocheted off the inside of her skull. Her legs shook, hiding behind a vending machine as she heard glass shatter. Screams around her, Raven noticed blood on her shoe. Was it coming from her or the boy she can't get to move. Raven was 20.
Raven was lost. Alone in a city she didn't know. Standing with her arms limp at her sides she listened to the priest as everyone said their goodbyes. Raven didn't know where to turn. A date after the dash, her dad's stone was complete. Raven was 21.

The Earth taught Raven to trust no one. She'd met but 1 person who hadn't let her down. Living on the edge only caused Raven more separation. She lived disconnected. At school she felt like she was watching her life unfold in a movie, everyone a character in her own elaborate film. At home she felt empty, her dad only a place marker in their enormously cold home. Let down time and time again by the people she thought she could trust. Anger built a home inside of her, growing each time it had the chance. Raven began to feel nothing but pain, hate, envy. Take those away and there was nothing left to her. An empty shell of a human longing for more. Eventually it became to much. Eventually there was nothing left to long for. Eventually Raven decided it was over. Raven was 21.

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