dave pukes up his guts after eating the forbidden fruit

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"So you found this weird thing instead of corn?" Dave asked.

Bambi nodded enthusiastically. "Yeah! This isn't corn! It's purple! Corn is yellow!!"

It was a warm summer evening. Bambi had been walking through his corn farm, and found something other than corn. Mad (yet slightly interested), he took it and ran over to Dave's house to show him the weird plant.

Dave hummed. "Interesting..."

He held out his hand and Bambi placed the weird vegetable on it. It felt heavy as it came to rest. His fingers closed over the hard skin of the weird plant. It was warm. Very warm.

"I need to go back to my farm. Somebody might be trying to steal corn!!" Bambi exclaimed, jumping to his feet.


"GOODBYE!!" Bambi yelled, cutting Dave off and running away.

Dave sighed and shook his head, before turning his attention back to the new vegetable he had gotten. He examined it. It was shaped like corn. It was a calm lavender color, and there were white dots covering the entirety of it, and it felt lumpy. Lumpy and warm.

He went inside. Tristan was asleep in his bed. Good, he thought, he won't do anything to the plant. Dave got a plate out of the cabinets of his kitchen, and placed the strange vegetable onto it. Going over to the table with the plate, he placed it down gently. A soft sound of the metal hitting the wooden table rang throughout the room.

He went over to the drawer and got out a knife before heading back to the table. The knife was dulled from use, but not entirely blunt. After making sure that it wasn't going to fall apart, Dave took it back to the table and carefully cut into the plant. It was very easy to cut into, much to Dave's surprise, at least after getting past the skin. The knife made a loud clatter when it hit the plate, and Dave froze for a second - as to not wake up Tristan. Once he was assured that he hadn't woken his son up, he continued his work. The plant oozed a mysterious green liquid from the inside, but the flesh of it was purple, just like the plant. It's core was filled with a strange, green jelly.. It looked pretty, almost mesmerizing. Looked very nice...to take a bite into.

The idea of biting into it seemed kind of appealing. No, no, he shouldn't take a bite out of this. But he really wanted to. Carefully, Dave stuck his finger into the center of the plant. It squirted its strange green juice all over his finger. He didn't realize what he was doing until he already had one of his hands in the strange plant. He could feel something slimy in between his fingers. He pulled back his hand. It was covered in sticky, green jelly. The smell reminded him of berries. Like strawberry syrup. Or maybe strawberries with a hint of vanilla. It was a pleasant smell...it suited the purple color of the plant nicely.

Dave frowned. Why did he get a good feeling about the plant? He has never even seen it before..it could be poisonous or have some sort of disease. Maybe he just got distracted by how good it smelled. The sweet, pleasant smell...maybe, if he took just a small bite, nothing would be affected. Nothing bad would happen, right? With newfound determination, Dave cut into the vegetable, and took a small piece off the edge.

"Oh god...please don't be poisonous." He muttered under his breath. He brought the bit of vegetable closer to his mouth and took a small bite.

It was pleasantly sweet, juices from the vegetable oozing into Dave's mouth. The jelly complimented it too, adding a sour, yet complimentary flavor. He couldn't help but smile at the taste, enjoying it more than he should have. He chewed slowly, savoring it. The taste was so different than anything he'd ever eaten before...he needed more. He grabbed the knife, taking another bit from the edge.

Dave And The Weird VegetableWhere stories live. Discover now