Chapter 2, Wait start over I still don't get it

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Kuroo, Kenma and Rairii bond more over time and Rairii made it through his first week at Nekoma without having a traget placed on his back by the teachers. Coach Nekomata announces they'll be having a practice match with Karasuno, a high school from the Miyagi prefecture, in nearly three weeks. School slowly gets stressful as the 1st term exams inch nearer.


The Swiss school system is really starting to get on my nerves. I have to have done at least one 'Snupperlehr' before the christmas break (which I'm working on rn), I just finished a day in another household for 'Hauswrittschaft' lessons and now I've got to write an essay or some shit about it, I need to find a firm that'll actually accept my dumbass for a 'Snupperlehr' and I've still got to visit a private school I'm interested in because my school sucks, my class sucks, my schedule sucks, half of my teachers suck, everything sucks

 Enjoy this chapter :)

Chapter 2, Wait start over I still don't get it

Rairii's POV:

"So, what do you think of Nekoma?" Kuroo asked while he, Rairii and Kenma were walking down the path from their school to the Kami-Shakujii train station.

Rairii took a breath of the cool fresh air. "It's nice." He took a around them. Almost every corner was filled with cherry blossom trees, flowering pots and soft green grass patches, all tainted by the orange rays of the sunset.

The streets were pretty much emptied, as it was to early for most adults to end their working day and to late for students who don't go to after school clubs to finish their lessons. The almost silent whistling of the wind that was lightly making tree branches sway from side to side and moving empty cans across the concrete floor was calming at this time.

Kenma zipped up his jacket, since he finally finished cooling off from practice, and took his console out of his pocket, ready to keep playing. Kuroo gave a sort of unspoken warning, which made Kenma sigh and put his console back.

"So I still don't get it." Kuroo said out of nowhere and glanced at Rairii. "2 years ago you were Nyoko, but now you're Rairii."

"Kuroo, did you skip 6th grade sex-ed or something?" Rairii said with cocked his head, clearly being mockingly serious.

Kenma chuckled and Kuroo scoffed. "Of course not, why would I skip basic Biology!" He looked away, as if embarrassed. "But it was around the time I got chickenpox so I wasn't in school for those weeks..."

Kenma looked away from a cat he was looking at, his piercing yellow eyes seemingly starring into their souls. "Wait you got chickenpox with 12? I got it when I was 7."

"Same, I got then in the 2nd grade." Rairii added like it was an achievement. "But to your question, even though you should know it since you're a grown ass man," He mumbled. "I'm Transgender, ever heard off that?"

"Oh yeah, now I remember, we also had that in 7th grade!" He looked at Kenma who rolled his eyes.

"We're not even in the same year, dumbass."

"I know that!" He retorted and turned to Rairii again with a smile. "Well dude, the wonder trio is back!"

"Did you still stick with the stupid name our elementary school coach gave us?" Kenma questioned and snuggled in his jacket's collar.

Kuroo bumped into his shoulder which made him stumble to the side. "Coach Sakata was a great teacher, and 'the wonder trio' is a great name, I don't know what you're talking about."

Kenma nodded in front of them "Yeah, whatever, let's catch the bus before we have to wait another 20 minutes." Rairii looked to where his friend nodded and just saw the bus number 60 pull into its stop, deflating its wheels and letting people out.

"Bye Rairii, gotta run!" Kuroo sped past him, more or less dragging Kenma after him by his uniforms collar. They made it just in time for the driver to still let them in and gone they were, letting Rairii stand alone by one of the multiple vending machines of the station.

He looked up at the electrical announcement sign. "Bus 60-2 bound to Shakuji-köen Station leaving at 19:17 from Stand G." He read aloud and stuffed his hands in his pockets. His finger wrapped around multiple coins and he took them all out, walking to a snack-machine. He inserted 250 yen, pressing on the number for the white chocolate pocky. He took it out of the pick-up box and started walking to the right stand, snacking on the crunchy stick.

When the tall gray and slightly yellow pillar came in sight, the bus was already waiting. He looked at his phone, where the time 19:15 was showing on the bright background. 'The bus only leaves in 2 minutes, I've got time.'

He comfortably walked to the elevated platform and waited for the bus to come shortly after. He waited to the side of one of the double doors and waited for all the people to circle out. He stepped in and sat down in one his favorite seats, the double seat right next to the door. He put his backpack on the aisle seat and leaned against the glass, taking out his phone while also his airpods and opening tiktok.

He scrolled through at least 30 videos before getting bored of the content and switching to reading a story on ao3.


The key clicked in the lock and Rairii opened the door, taking of his shoes only moments after stepping into the house. "I'm home!" He announced and started going down the stairs to the basement, where his room was.

"You hold down the handle to close the door, you don't push it shut, Nyoko." A woman's voice called out from the kitchen. 

He kept walking. "I'll keep it in mind, mom." He finally reached a plain wooden door and opened it, making sure to 'properly' close it this time to avoid a drama. He threw his backpack against the bed frame and sat down on the soft mattress. Always the same thing with his mom, the slightest things cause an uproar.

Rairii looked up just in time to see an animal's small head peak out from a shelf with a cat bed on it. He smiled and stretched his arm for the little thing to climb on. "Hi Zippy, how 'ya doing?" 

The ferret jumped off his arm and onto the covers, snuggling into them, with his fluffy brown tail swinging from side to side. Rairii stood up with a groan and started unpacking his backpack, taking out any material and textbooks he wouldn't be needing for tomorrow's classes. He placed the textbooks for English and Social Studies on his desk, sighing in relief as he remembered he didn't have any homework.

As he started changing out of his school uniform and into some black sweatpants, a beige sports bra and a black sleeveless shirt, Rairii thought back to today, the first day at a new school. And how surprisingly good he felt he fit in. No constant deadnaming by classmates or teachers, no comments about previous events and no random bullying. 

It actually felt great. 

Maybe he did end up in a good place.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2022 ⏰

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