Chapter 1: Holy Shit What

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Just who was she?

The woman who disposed if the biohazard waste behind the hospital?

She wasn't special from the outside, she looked fairly average.
(H/c) (h/t) hair that was always pulled into a neat bun, scrubs that hid her figure, (s/c) skin that looked clean and soft, and (e/c) eyes that radiated kindness.
A quaint woman, with nothing much going for her.
Truly nothing special.

To anyone else at least.
To anyone who didn't know about her.

Freddrick had usually dug around in the biohazard bin behind the hospital for various organs and other things that looked gross for props, and one day he found himself hiding amongst the trash as this random woman disposed of the waste all by herself.
He made note of her solitude.

After several weeks of staking out the location, he noticed she always came out by herself around the same time. Perfect, Consistency is what he needed for his plans to work.

Whenever he thought of a use for her, that is.

In the mean time, he considered himself this lovely nurses distant friend.

And now he sat in the parking lot behind her work, by the biohazard waste bin. He expect the usual cart full of red and orange trash bags that she would spend roughly 10-15 minutes trying to toss in by herself, tonight was different though, she was a whole hour late. Just as Freddrick started to feel concern, she poked her head out of the door and looked around. Freddrick quickly ducked in his seat to avoid being spotted. Once he glanced back up, he saw the explanation behind her sudden caution.

She dragged out a body strapped to a stretcher, the body had an orange plastic bag loosely placed over its head. It looked to be a male colleague of hers. Now he was invested.
He watched closely with wide eyes as she set the stretcher upright, releasing the straps and watching the body tumble to the ground. She dropped to her knees and was visibly shaken, he could hear her sobs through the car door.

Once she had collected herself, she stood up and wiped her face. He watched as (Y/n) struggled to lift the mans body up into the bin. She cried and let out a frustrated scream. She dropped the body on the ground and gave it a swift kick before dropping and crying again.
Now Freddrick couldn't just sit there and watch her struggle forever, and if she got caught he'd lose his entertainment.

So, with a frustrated sigh, he pulled his not-suspicious-at-all dad hat, sunglasses, and surgical mask disguise. Once he was ready, he opened the car door and approached her.
She froze up as she heard the footsteps. Before she could turn around he had already begun speaking.

"I'm not hear to bother you, you seem pissy enough." He said, crouching to her level.
"Who.. are you?" She asked, looking up at him while brushing a lose strand of frizzy hair behind her ear.
"Would you like some help?" He asked, pointing at the body.
She blinked and shook her head, he stared at her a bit longer before noticing the body making a noise.

It was a quick grunt, she screamed and pushed away from it. Freddrick rolled his eyes, "Oh quit being a baby, its just trapped air in the throat." He said with full confidence.
Until the body shifted.
"...Muscle memory?" He slowly stood up, carefully reaching into his back pocket.
She shakily stood up and backed up.

"Oh no, don't you move." He pointed at her. Freddrick pulled out his gun from his back pocket and a silencer from his front pocket. He slowly attached it as he kept his eyes locked on the body slowly adjusting to the newfound consciousness.
"Look away, you're going to hate this-"
Before he could finish his sentence, he made note of the lack of metal in his hand. He heard the shot just as fast as the gun was ripped from his hand. He slowly blinked and turned his head to (Y/n), half pissed she stole his gun, half impressed she had the balls to finish the job.

Freddrick silently looked at the body and newfound hole in the dead center of it's forehead. He had to blink a couple times to make sure what he was seeing was correct.
He quickly looked back over and noticed the shaken woman now pointing his own gun at him.

"I'm sorry-"
He already had a hand on her throat as he quickly slammed her off her balance onto the ground, causing her to lose grip on the gun. She launched upright and reached for the gun.
"A word of advice," He said, stomping on her hand as he picked his gun off of the ground. "Maybe don't try and kill the good samaritan thats helping you dispose of a body." He smiled as he listened to her trying to hold back her scream. He pressed his heel a little harder into her hand for a second before letting her go.

He could practically see the adrenaline in her eyes, she shakily stood up as (Y/n) stared down at the body.
"I.. I swear I didn't mean to."
He scoffed, "Sure you did. If it makes you feel any better, I don't care about the why." He gave the body a nudge with his foot. "Can I take it home?" Freddrick asked.
She looked up at him, making uncomfortable eye contact. "Are you serious?"

Freddrick shrugged. "Yeah, no reason to waste a good prop." He crouched and pulled the arm over his shoulder, lifting it up off the ground.
"Were you going to keep it?"
"No, not at all. Please keep it." She put her hands up defensively. He looked her up and down and grabbed her name tag, angling it up so he could get a good read of it.

"(Y/n) (L/n). Noted." He looked her in the eyes. "Expect to see me again in the future. If you have another "accident"-" He winked, not that she could see. "-just give me a call." Freddrick smiled and giggled a bit, making her a bit more uncomfortable.
"How.. will I do that?"

He looked past her and blinked.
"Oh. Uhm..." He rubbed his upper lip before snapping his fingers. He speed walked to the van and tossed the body in the back. While he was back there, he grabbed an old burner a now dead follower left in his trunk. The battery was pretty much dead, but it worked.

"Here. If you need me to help you again, just call "Leader"," He held a finger up. "Wait, did that one call me leader?" She looked up with confused eyes, flinching as he snatched the phone away. He checked the contacts and noticed his actual name was the contact.
He thought he had a rule against using his legal name in the burners, good thing that follower was already dead before he could get to them. He quickly changed it to Leader and handed it back to her.

"There, call "Leader", and I can do anything you need me to." Freddrick straightened his back as he stared her down like prey.
"... Why?" (Y/n) asked.
He looked up, shrugged, then looked back down at her. "Why not help the up and coming locals?"
He smiled. "I see you're a surgeon as well, you could be of use to me, Miss (Y/n)."

All she could do was stand and stare in confusion. "Okay? I mean.. Okay???" She took a deep breath and stared at the stretcher.
"Any other bodies you need to get rid of?" He stretched his back. "I've got some time to kill, I do have a meeting at noon tomorrow so I can't help you for too long."
She looked over at him again. "Oh uh.. No I'm good. He was the only one."

He clapped and smiled. "Good! Hope to hear from you again, (Y/n)!" He waved and walked back to his car. She awkwardly waved back as he left, still shaken by everything.

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