What am I

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Above the Earth and below Heaven is Wisdoma's World of cherubs, and this story is about

"Cherub Goobers's identity crisis"

     Watching cherub Goober slapping his face was scaring Boo-Hoo. Goober looking distraught, asked Boo-Hoo his best friend, "What am I? A Republican or a Democrat? Boo-Hoo, I'm an independent. Or am I a progressive? What a Conservative! 

     Boo-Hoo says, "Don't forget the Socialite  and Libertarian party? 

     Whirling around in a circle, Goober started making Boo-Hoo dizzy. 

     "Whoops," saysGoober,  "There's even a Green Constitution Party! But, whoa, wait, here comes the Tea Party. OMG, they'd a far right wing party."

     With his head wobbling and his eyes rolling around, Goober cries, ' Their's  even a " United States Marijuana Party." 

     Watching how distressed Goober was, Boo-Hoo became increasingly confused, wringing his hands whining, he said, "Oh, Goober! What am I?  I'm so confused."

   Cherub  Swagger, watching these two says, " Please, Lord, don't let me have to give Boo-Hoo an answer on 'What he is!"

     On the other hand, Goober is so correct on the confusing political parties."

     Approaching the two cherubs, Swagger say, "Why don't we ask Head Mistress Wisdoma?"

     Wisdoma hearing a flutter above her, looks up to see a group of cherubs flying toward her. She couldn't help but chuckle, watching Goober and Boo-Hoo flying  erratically all over the place.

     When they arrived and approached the stately Head Mistress Wisdoma, Boo-Hoo, explains Goober's dilemma. 

     Wisdoma says, sit, my cherubs. I will explain the complicated political parties of this country's government. It doesn't matter what party you are for because some of the party is not loyal to their constituents. Most will say anything to get elected. So, knowing fully, they should pass a bill to keep their promise, but don't."

     Seeing Supreme Teacher Spikehead walking by, Wisdoma says,  "Teacher, would you explain the difference to our students between a Democrat and a Republican.?

     "Democrats believe the government should take care of people.,"  Spikehead says, " Republicans believe cities and counties should take care of their people." 

     Wisdoma interprets, " But both parties are too busy fighting each other to pass policies. Sorry, the politicians know how to take care of themselves. I must say very well, indeed."

     She adds now the independent party will split down the middle, they have their way of taking issues from both sides. So they vote for the best party to get their agenda passed.  For example a health care bill."

     "As for the other parties," Spikehead interprets, "They'll latch on to whichever major party will help their cause." 

     Standing tall with his slicked- back hair,  Swagger says, "They think they're voting Republican or Democrat. Well, I have news for them! It sounds like they're voting for big companies that are after a big contract tax break." 

     Goober raised his hand, "Oh Teacher, now I understand, how do they say it!  ' John Q. Public' feels like they aren't in control."

     With his drooping sad eyes, Boo-Hoo say, " It feels like Congress is being bought and paid for by the big business or maybe the biggest rip-off scheme of stock buying." 

     Spikehead say,s,  "If Congress knows a company will get a signed government contract, they could have their family buy the stock now and make a killing down the road. But, of course, I'm just saying." 

     Spikehead, who looked like a giant with his long slim body and spiked hair , said, " Big corporation's pay for Congress , they throw you crumbs. John Q. Public , you work your tails off  to let them have their country club.  They need you divided; if you united, they would have to work for you.  Without the benefits of a country club. It would be a workplace." 

     Wisdoma's inert beauty radiated the room as she stood so regal, saying, " Let's say , as for now, Congress knows they have you. They know you won't stand -up  as one and strip them of their power. So we can only hope the youth wants a government that works for them!  Not to have a country club on there , as you say,  'On my Dime.'"

     Looking at Goober she says, "I hope this lesson helped stop your confusion." 

                                                                The End

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2023 ⏰

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