One Night in Numenor

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(This takes place in Numenor before Halbrand is revealed to be Sauron, around episodes 3 and 4 of The Rings of Power.)

Galadriel paces her cramped cell. It's old and dusty, but Halbrand doesn't seem to mind seeing as how he's lounging on the cot watching her pace back and forth. Footsteps approach. 

A soldier arrives in full armor. "The queen has decreed you released from imprisonment in honor of the centuries old Numenorean holiday." He unceremoniously unlocks their prison doors and hands each of them a key.

"These are for your quarters in the palace. The room number is inscribed on the key. Good day." The soldier harrumphs and marches away.

"Sweet freedom," Halbrand says as he pockets his bedroom key. 

"I must speak with the queen at once." Galadriel wastes no time, but Halbrand blocks her path.

"You disrespected the queen before and that landed you here." He gestures at their cells.

"I will be more respectful this time."

"I have no doubt of that." He has many doubts. "But what if you spent some time studying the culture and traditions here?" 

"So I can use it against her?"

"No. So you can use your newfound knowledge to your advantage at your next meeting with the queen. She might be more inclined to listen to you that way."

"Hmph." Galadriel is no fool and sees the wisdom of his suggestion. She walks around him towards the exit.

"Now where are you going?" 

Galadriel halts and looks back at him. " To the festival. Are you coming?"


Galadriel and Halbrand wander through the densely packed streets. The sun has set but the heat of the day lingers. In the darkness, light shimmers and shines from the lanterns. A great fire pit blazes in the center of the main town. Children sing and dance around it, daring each other to get closer to the fire.

Townsfolk busy themselves with cooking or celebrating, or both. Smells of roasted chicken and vegetables and spices permeate the air. A toy ball rolls to the feet of the mysterious foreigners. Halbrand bends and lightly tosses the ball back to the children. Their laughter rings in the air.

Galadriel notices that just about everyone partakes in drinking the Numenorean liquor. She pauses in front of a bar. Halbrand buys two liquors, one for him and one for Galadriel. She sniffs it, hesitant. He clinks their cups together and chugs. A refreshing "ah" sounds from his mouth. Galadriel takes one tentative sip. Pleasantly surprised, she sips it again. Halbrand smirks.

Galadriel and Halbrand spend their time enjoying the festivities, meandering around the shops selling trinkets, cloth, and food. They drink their liquor until their cups are empty. The shops close down and the crowd thins at the edges of the city.

Late at night the children had been sent home but the adults continue their festivities. The dancing becomes more provocative, the music louder. Everyone is braver under the cover of the night sky. 

Couples pair together and dance free from inhibitions near the warm bonfire. On the outskirts of the fire, Halbrand offers his hand to Galadriel. 

Galadriel does not even consider it. "No."

"Yes." Charming smile never leaving his face. "You want to immerse yourself in the culture, right?"

Galadriel quirks an eyebrow. The firelight reflects in his earnest eyes. She slowly takes his hand. Sparks fly rushing from her fingertips up her arms into the hollows of her eyelids. He pulls her towards the dancing crowd and deeper into his arms. He wraps his arms around her waist and she rests her arms on his shoulders.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2022 ⏰

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