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Dev cusped Kier's cheek in his hand, his thumb tracing the bottom of Kier's jawline.
Kier leaned into the embrace his eyes softly shutting. Kier was like puddy in Dev's hand, responsive to the slightest of movements. That's not to say that Dev is not the same as well.

The TV  hummed in the background, filling up the silence of the room with static and soft chatter. Flashes of color solely lit the room, the contrast between the bright screen and shadowy room made Kier look ethereal. The light coming from behind made it look like he was wearing a crown, or maybe a halo, that did seem to fit him more. He looked like a god to Dev, dark brown lashes caused Kier not to see Dev staring at him like he was the world, his everything, and that he is.

Kier opened his eyes and looked at Dev tracing his face with the lightest of touches. He moved Dev's hand off his cheek and laid his head into the crook of Dev's neck. He inhaled softly taking a deep breath he caught the scent of devs perfume. He buried his face in farther, his face blushed a bright red, it was hot to the touch.

Dev placed one of his hands on Kier's back, tracing circles around. Dev's other hand got lost in Kier's soft locks, he threaded his fingers through his curls untangling any knots as he went along. Dev placed his head on top of Kier's he softly placed a kiss on Kier's crown.

It was horribly domestic Kier thought, 'Do most people do this with their best friend? I mean that's all we are right friends? Normal friends do this all the time.'

He ignored the way how he felt his stomach swarm with butterflies, they threatened to spill out. Scared if he opened his mouth all his thoughts would tumble out into a mess of words and half thoughts, they were pushed down for a reason to protect his friendship with Dev that's all that really matters.

'I can deal with it if he only wants to be friends even if he gets with someone else it would be fine it's always fine.' It's not fine. He wanted to scream it out loud, so everyone could hear his frustrations. Kier just wanted Dev to be happy even if it meant he suffered, it would always be worth it, anything is worth it for Dev, he thought.

Kier wrapped his arms around Dev's torso.

Tears started to form in the corners of his eyes. He sniffed quietly hoping that Dev wouldn't hear him.

Unfortunately, God hates him.

"Kier- are you okay?" Dev asked softy

After a long pause, Kier shifted slightly,
"It's fine don't worry."

Dev moved his head off of Kier's and moved his hands to Kier's face, and looked at him.
He had tear tracks running down his face, (Dev wished that he could wipe them off) his eyes were red and puffy, his eyebags seemed worse than normal, he looked exhausted. A pitiful expression rested on Kier's face he wouldn't meet Dev's eye.

Apparently, the ground looked really interesting, definitely not because Kier was scared to meet Dev's gaze. But like, did you know that the carpet underneath the couch the one with the brown circles and white empty space had serval stains, they only stood out slightly contrasting the white. Because Kier sure as hell didn't, you learn a little bit every day, don't you.

Dev's hand pulled Kier's chin up making him meet his gaze. It was soft, he wasn't mad like he had thought.

"Kier, You know you can talk to me, right? I'm not going to force you to talk but, it might help you look like you need it. No offense sorry." Dev slapped the last part on to not be taken the wrong way

"It's fine. You, can't do anything about it anyway," he responded quietly

"I can help or I can sure as hell try, just let me help you" Dev pleaded

"I told you, you can't do anything about it, just drop it" Kier replied stubbornly

"Kier- fine never mind I don't want to force u to talk about it but I'm more than willing to listen anytime alright? I love you dude" Dev said with fair too much fondness in his tone

"I know, I love you too."

Kier turned his gaze back down to the stains on the carpet, and mumbled under his breath,
"I just wished you loved me more than a friend."

"What?" Dev looked at him

Kier stiffened, he threw his head into Dev's shoulder, at least if Dev hated him he got to touch him one last time. "I wanna be more than a friend," he whispered into Dev's shoulder

"You wanna be more than a friend?" Dev asked slowly

"I wanna be more than a friend" Kier replied

"Well, I think that could be arranged."

It was Kier's turn to be confused, fun.
"Wait what-?'

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