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1- Favourite horror movie

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1- Favourite horror movie

I'm not really into horror, sorry

2- Favourite ship

Theres... a few. Lams, stucky, klance, luberto, lumity, catradora, ineffable husbands, johnlock, and heaps more but I'm not bothered to list them

3- Favourite musical character

Uhhhhhhh John Laurens from Hamilton or Draco Malfoy from AVPM

4- Worst fear

Damn, that's personal, I'd rather not

5- Crush/Boyfriend/Girlfriend

*laughs in aroace*

6- Favourite song

It changes constantly but probably Famous Last Words by MCR

7- Favourite author


8- Someone you hate

Myself hahahaha 

9- Sexuality


10- Favourite colour

Yellow or purple

11- Favourite animal

Ummmmmm maybe a cat?

12- Ever been in love?

*aroace laughing increases*

13- Kissed anyone?

*has a coughing fit from all the laughing*

14- Worst mistake

Being cringy af when I first joined wattpad and left cringy comments on a bunch of fanfics (I'm sorry if you've seen them)

15- 3 favourite people




I'm not bothered to tag, if you see this feel free to do it

??? idk honestlyWhere stories live. Discover now