thats what yoh called me for

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Jason pov

I quickly rushed to the maner when I got there I want straight to the batcave, yo what this important meeting about I got someone to be, that what we wanted to talk to you about, everyone else in the cave started nodding and screaming ya, i sighed, really that's what was so important I was busy,

With what Jaybird, dick yelled I dont know why he was yelling I was right beside him, yo dude lower your voice it's like your trying to make me def, just answer the question Todd, will you calm down demon child, wow that such a good on not like you've called me that before, this kid is pissing me off you know what Im done being nice I probably shouldn't say this because dick is probably going to kill me but I don't cear anymore

While "BLOOD SON" you know I fucked your mom right, the look on his face was priceless but dick did indeed smack me in the head for say it he tried to make me say sorry but that didnt go as he planned, after the fight that me dick and Damian had bruce started yelling at us which didnt really matter to me or dick,

While if that's it I'm going to be going now see ya, before anyone could tell me to sit back down I ran like hell outside, now I have to get back to what's really important FINDING RORY

Hey bitch's and bros and non binary hoes and to you my gender flued sisters or whatever you are today

yo sorry I haven't been posting my phone broke so I had to get it fix then I couldn't get on to wattpad so sorry this one is short I just wanted to give you guys something

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