You're Mine!!! Forever! Whether You Like it or Not!

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Hawkins high school was dreary and boring, hell the entire town was. The rain never seemed to falter. The entire town was like one giant black hole of despair. The one and only ray of sunshine came in the form of Billy Hargrove. He was beautiful, with his golden locks and bright blue eyes that looked like they’d been cut straight from a diamond. You had been smitten with him since the 1st day he pulled into the parking lot, but unfortunately, you were a nobody, so you weren't even on his radar, or so you thought.

As Spring break approached, your excitement only grew for your upcoming trip to California. 2 whole weeks away from the rain and muck that engulfed Hawkins. As you were finally 18, you were spending 2 whole weeks away from your parents, surfing, drinking, and partying! You couldn't wait!

On the last day of school before spring break, your car had broken down in the parking lot. And both of your parents were still at work. Frustrated, you got out of your car slapping the hood. You were staring at the road contemplating walking the 5 miles home. Suddenly, someone taps you on your shoulder, startling you. You turn to see Billy Hargrove looking at you. “You okay Y/N,” Billy asks. Your breath catches in your throat. You didn't even know that Billy Hargrove of all people knew you existed, let alone that he knew your 1st name. “Yeah, my fucking car won’t start and both my parents are at work,” you said angrily. “I mean if you don’t mind leaving your car here for a bit, I could give you a ride home,” Billy said with a smile. “That’d be great, thanks,” you said grabbing your things from you car and locking it. You climbed into Billy’s passenger seat, his car smelled of cigarettes and cheap cologne. Pulling out of the parking lot Billy glanced at you. “So, do you have any plans for spring break,” he asked? ”Yeah I’m actually going to Cali for 2 weeks I leave tomorrow,” you said. “That’s exciting, I’m actually from there,” Billy responded. “Do you, have any spring break plans,” you asked Billy? “Pretty much just relaxing at home, my parents and stepsister are going to Maine to visit my stepmothers sister. So definitely not as exciting as your plans, but It will be nice to have the house to myself,” he said “I have 4 year old twin brothers so I definitely understand the need to just have the house to your self sometimes,” you said. “Hey.. maybe we can hang out sometime when you get back,” Billy said. You were a bit taken aback by this as you never assumed someone like Billy Hargrove would ever want to spend time with you. “I mean if you want to,” you said, a slight blush rising to your cheeks. “Here write down your house phone for me,” Billy said, handing you a piece of scrap paper from the floor of his car and a pen. You quickly jot down the number to your house phone. You look up to hand it to him and catch him staring at your breasts, which causes the blush to return to your cheeks. Billy pulls up outside your house. He already knew your address from dropping his stepsister off for your mom to babysit. You climb out of his car thanking him. “Hey Y/N, if you need a ride to the airport tomorrow, just give me a call,” he says, handing you the number to his house phone. “I just might have to take you up on that offer,” you say before shooting him a smile and walking in your house.

Your dad wasn’t able to get your car fixed in time, so here you were dialing Billy’s house number stomach in your throat with nerves. “Hello,” Billy’s voice said, coming through the phone? “Hey Billy it’s Y/N. Is that offer for a ride to the airport still available,” you ask? “Yeah, definitely! What time do you need to be there,” he asks? “Boarding is at noon,” you say. “Alright give me 20 minutes, and I’ll be there to get you,” He says and hangs up.

15 minutes later he’s knocking on your door. You answer it luggage in hand. “Ready,” he asks as he reaches for your luggage. “Thanks for doing this,” you say. “Oh shit,” Billy says. “What’s wrong,” you ask. “My stepmother asked me to take her dress to the dry cleaners while she's at work so that she could have it for the trip to Maine, if I don't get it there now it won't get done in time and I'll never hear the end of it. Would you mind if we stopped by my place to grab it,” Billy asked. “I mean, we've got plenty of time, and this is your car,” you respond.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2023 ⏰

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You're Mine, Forever! Whether You Like it or Not!!Where stories live. Discover now