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Soora's POV
I fluttered my eyes open and
slowly sat up, I took my phone
that was placed in my little desk.

I checked the time just incase
I was too early or late, it was currently 5:00 AM meaning
I would be too early.

I went inside my bathroom and
did my morning routine, after that
I brushed my teeth and wore
my clothes.

I went inside my bathroom anddid my morning routine, after thatI brushed my teeth and wore my clothes

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[ The clothes of Soora's choice. ]

I went outside of my room, not
forgetting to lock it.

Then after that I knock on my
older sister's room since
if I would just enter without knocking, it would be disrespectful.

Once I knocked, there was no
response from my sister, meaning
I had no choice but to enter because
she's still asleep.

I headed inside of my sister's room and started slapping her gently.

" Eonnie, wake up already. "
I said with a soft tone

" I don't want to... "
Yves eonnie whispered

" That's a lie eonnie, you DO
want to go to school to see
Chuu eonnie, right? "
I asked her and she immediately
woke up hearing her girlfriend's name.

" Thanks for waking me up
dongsaeng-ie, you can go
out now~ "
Yves eonnie told me and smiled
at me, I just nodded and went

And there I saw my mom sitting in
the couch, she looked at me.

" Oh Soora-ssi, you're already
awake. I already made breakfast
for you and Sooyoung, me and
your dad have a task to do again.
And in this task... we'll need to
stay in Japan, so your sister and
you will be alone. Take care, I love you!"
Mom told me holding her suitcase

" Bye mom, I love you too. "
I greeted Mom, she waved at me
for the last time before exiting
our house.

I sat on one of the chairs in the table,
I ate my breakfast and I heard
footstep and some keys clanging.

" Goodmorning Soora~ Where's
Amma and Appa? " Sooyoung eonnie
asked me as she gave me a kiss
on the head and also took a seat

" Goodmorning Yves eonnie,
Amma and Appa they...
went to Japan for another task. "
I greeted and answered my
older sister's question, she just
hummed in response and
also ate her breakfast.

" Do you want to ride the new
car I bought with me? or do you
want to drive it yourself, and I'll
just ride my motorcycle? "
Yves eonnie asked me after
she swallowed her last bite of her

" You know eonnie, you should just
use my Lamborghini Aventador
if I use your new
Ferrari Portofino since you still
have to pick up your girlfriend"
I stated as I scroll through
my Instagram

" Awh, you're so sweet to your
sister-in-law dongsaeng-ie~ "
Yves eonnie told me as she
pinched my cheek when she stood
up and went behind me

" Eonnie, I swear to God,
let fucking go of my
poor cheeks. "
I told Yves Eonnie and gave her
a glare for pinching my cheeks,
she just widened her eyes being
shocked since she hear me cuss.

" Yves eonnie, let's go already,
or else we'll be late. It's already
5:30 AM, you know. "
I told eonnie

" Okay then! I just think you're
excited to see my new baby. "
Yves eonnie teased me, I just
rolled my eyes on her and kept
walking towards the garage.

I stopped as soon as I saw
Yves eonnie's new car,
The Ferrari Portofino.

I looked at it in awe as my
older sister just chuckled at me
and opened the car, after that
she threw me the car keys,
I catch it and went inside the
beautiful yet expensive car.

I looked at it in awe as myolder sister just chuckled at meand opened the car, after that she threw me the car keys,I catch it and went inside thebeautiful yet expensive car

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[ If you're curious, this is what
the Ferrari Portofino looks like. ]

I started the engine of the car
then drove to the garage door,
I also saw Yves eonnie driving in
front of the garage door.

I honked and clicked a button
that is for the garage door so
neither me and Yves eonnie will
have to get out of our car.

~ To Be Continued... ~

• This book will have short chapters
like this, and I apologize for that
• Don't forget to vote! <3

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2022 ⏰

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